10 Reasons Why Yoga Is Ideal For Overweight People

If you are overweight, you may find it difficult to perform some postures, but practicing yoga can be very beneficial both physically and psychologically. Learn more about its benefits.
10 reasons why yoga is great for overweight people

Many personalities attest to the benefits of practicing yoga . For example, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has given himself the task of promoting this discipline as a matter of state, so that the people of his country can enjoy its benefits in daily life.

The prime minister even shared a series of videos in which he, in an animated version, practices different yoga postures. They emphasize that yoga is a healthy choice for everyone.

10 Benefits of Yoga for Overweight People

Need more reasons to encourage you to take your first yoga class? So we’ll give it to you next! Check out.

1. Improves breathing

Practicing yoga can help you breathe better, more consciously.  

2. Improves your security and self-esteem

10 Benefits of Yoga for Overweight People

Yoga is a great way to start a more active lifestyle. It is also ideal for overweight people, as it can also help improve their self-esteem and security.

The advances you make in the practice of yoga, both physically and spiritually, will be important in renewing your self-awareness and the way you go about your daily life. You will be in control of your body and will be able to improve your quality of life through physical activity.

3. Combat depression

Overweight people can have low self-esteem, which adds a risk of suffering from depression. This is due to the insecurity they feel about their body or physical appearance.

4. Relieves stress

The constant breathing and reflection exercises, important to perform the postures you practice in yoga classes, will help you relieve stress and relax. You will be more focused on working mentally and physically for your well-being and will have a clear purpose.

5. Reduces physical discomfort

reduced, confirms recent research published in the  Journal of General Internal Medicine .

6. You will notice progressive changes

It doesn’t matter the weight or the size of your waist, as none of this is an impediment to carry out the activity. In your yoga classes, you shouldn’t demand more from your body than it can give. Then, as you gain elasticity and confidence, you will be able to perform more difficult poses.

You will notice progressive changes

7. It is a low impact activity

Although there are postures for beginners, instructors vary according to their students’ physical abilities. This allows you to start the practice at a level that’s ideal for you, which doesn’t make you feel frustrated with the difficulty of doing some postures. The amount of time you devote to this activity is also up to you.

8. Has effects on the endocrine system

Each yoga posture affects an area of ​​the body, on a muscular, nervous and hormonal level . Some of them are indicated if you have problems with your thyroid, for example.

9. Fights anxiety

10. Helps you meet your goals

Helps you meet your goals

Yoga against overweight: what postures can I lose weight with?

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