12 Tips For Having Beautiful Eyebrows

We recommend that you brush your eyebrows after a shower to take advantage of the dilated pores and prevent the area from turning red. When finished, don’t forget about hydration.

Eyebrows are very interesting elements of our face. Certainly its most popular feature, especially among women, is its aesthetics. However, they have other functions, some of them very important.

For example, they help us protect our eyes from rain, sweat, solar radiation or any other harmful agent, such as particles found in suspension in the air.

That’s why, below, we’ll present 12 tips to keep your eyebrows always beautiful.

1. Never shave them completely

This is a very common mistake, shaving or completely eliminating eyebrows. Of course, this can be very dangerous, as well as not being aesthetically recommended.

First, remember that they are something our body needs, after all, their main function is to protect our eyes. That’s why we shouldn’t eliminate them.

Secondly, replacing them with some marker (tattoo, reindeer, etc.) will not alleviate the problem we can cause by eliminating them, so it is not recommended.

2. Shape the inner edges

Shave the eyebrows according to the pattern or style and features of our face is something allowed.

In that case, we recommend that you shape their inner edges. Doing this is very simple, just use a makeup brush vertically to your nose as a reference.

Once the reference is fixed, remove the hair that is outside the marked line.

3. Be careful with some beauty products


Many people use beauty products that are harmful to health. Therefore, we suggest using quality beauty products.

If not, consult a certified specialist who can advise you on the safest products. It’s very important to know that even if the service looks good aesthetically, sometimes some risks can exist.

4. Use quality makeup and beauty products

Still taking as an example the previous case, if you want to make up or use some beauty product, use those that are of the best possible quality.

There are many brands on the market famous for their quality; these are good options. In some cases they are more expensive products, however, it is worth buying them to ensure that our eyebrows are in good condition.

5. Use moisturizing creams or creams that stimulate hair growth

You can choose to use some special creams able to moisten them and stimulate their growth. It is possible to prepare some of these creams at home and with natural products.

For example, you can mix a little castor oil and gallic acid and apply it to your hair to make it grow longer. It is still possible to use olive oil or some special moisturizing cream for this region.

6. Clean them

Remember to choose the shape of your eyebrows according to your face type.

Just like any part of the body, we should clean or wash our eyebrows every time we take a shower. This, of course, can be done using regular or regular soap.

It is very important that we rub them gently and that, after applying the soap, we rinse them thoroughly to avoid soap residues.

These debris, over time, can cause them to weaken and fall.

7. Do your eyebrows after showering

A good tip is to always remove your eyebrows after a bath, and that this bath has preferably been of warm or hot water. This way, the pores of the skin will be more open, which will avoid the typical redness when we shave them.

Remember that care must be taken with the instruments used to remove it; they must be in good condition and clean, otherwise you can get infections.

8. Use some tonic after waxing

After epilation, use some tonic to moisten them and provide a good appearance. It is also possible to use a little honey. This way you’ll avoid irritation and even infections, since tonics usually have antibacterial effects.

9. Smooth them with moisturizing cream


It is possible to make an eyebrow straightening without the need to use chemicals, which often make the eyebrows have a thinner texture.

In this case, choose to use a little moisturizing cream regularly, so your eyebrows will smooth and stay healthy for a long time.

10. comb them

Combing your eyebrows with the help of a gentle brush can be of great help in stimulating their growth.

Also, this way you will eliminate loose or loose hairs. Finally, combing them also has an aesthetic value: thanks to this they will look prettier.

11. Maintain proper nutrition

A general and very important tip is that, in order to enjoy health in all areas of our body, including the eyebrows, it is necessary to maintain an adequate diet.

Eating correctly will influence the health of every region of our body.

12. Look for a professional if necessary

Don’t be careless with your eyebrows, they also need care. Look for a professional or specialist if necessary.

As we said at the beginning of this article, taking care of them is extremely important, after all, they are essential for our well-being.

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