3 Great Jelly Face Masks

Gelatin is rich in collagen, so it helps maintain our skin’s elasticity. We can make some homemade masks with this ingredient, ideal for fighting the signs of aging on the face.
3 great jelly face masks

If you have problems with wrinkles or lack of elasticity in your skin, you probably don’t know that using a jelly mask can be very helpful in this type of case.

This is because we normally know gelatine for other health-related properties. For example, we know that it is low in fat and very high in protein, which makes it a healthy and delicious option that we should include in our diet.

If you want to discover a different use of gelatine, read this article. We are sure that this information will surprise you and will be very useful on a daily basis. Take note!

Benefits of Gelatin for Skin and Hair


One thing we shouldn’t forget is that if gelatin is appreciated for anything, it’s because of its high collagen content.

Over the years, we started to produce less, according to this study by the University of Granada (Spain), and we have to balance this difference with food. Collagen is one of the most important proteins in our body. It is essential for maintaining good health and strength of bones, skin, nails and hair.

How not to lose collagen quickly?

Something as simple as taking care of our lifestyle habits will cause collagen levels not to drop so quickly. If we introduce collagen-rich foods into our diet, we will make up for this deficit.

On the other hand, we must avoid certain factors such as stress, tobacco, exposure to the sun or poor diet, which will accelerate this almost irremediable loss of collagen in our body.

The daily use of gelatine as a nourishing medicine for the skin and hair can provide the necessary amount of collagen, as well as give our skin elasticity. See how you can use it with the following masks.

Gelatin masks to fight aging


Gelatin and milk masks

This jelly and milk-based mask is nourishing and very powerful to help balance the skin’s pH and provide the elasticity that the face tends to lose over time. take note!


  • 20 g of colorless, flavorless gelatin
  • ½ glass of milk

How to make

  • The first thing to do is heat half a glass of milk. Meanwhile, in a separate cup, dissolve the gelatin in a few tablespoons of cold milk, taking care not to leave any lumps.
  • Then add the glass of warm milk. Turn off the heat and, when it is almost cold, apply to the skin of the face with the help of a brush or cotton. Leave to act for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.

Gelatin and avocado mask

Preparing a gelatin and avocado mask can be very helpful in dealing with many facial skin problems. See how to do it!


  • ½ avocado
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 20 g colorless unflavored gelatin

How to make

  • Remove the pulp from half avocado and place in a bowl, kneading it with a fork.
  • Meanwhile, bring the glass of water to heat to heat and add the gelatin, stirring well for a few moments. To obtain a face mask that is as homogeneous as possible, you can use an electric mixer, mixing well the avocado with the gelatine water.
  • Apply the cream to the face skin with the help of a brush. Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse.

Masks against facial blemishes and to provide more elasticity

gelatin and lemon masks

This jelly and lemon mask is ideal for overnight application. It’s easy to make and very effective for smoothing out age spots, sun, or acne scars. This is what this study by Sunandan Divatia School of Science (India) says.

Check out the recipe:


  • 15 g of colorless, flavorless gelatin
  • 50 ml of water
  • 25 ml of lemon juice
  • 15 g of honey

How to make

  • As in the previous cases, the first thing to do is to heat the 50 ml of water. Add the 15 grams of colorless, flavorless gelatin and mix well, preventing lumps from forming.
  • As you can see, these are very small amounts. However, we will get a mask that is more or less consistent and easy to apply.
  • When the water and gelatin are well mixed, turn off the heat and add the 25 ml of lemon juice and a spoon of honey. Shake well.
  • Apply this mask to clean skin three times a week at night, just before bed. Use a brush or cotton and leave for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with warm water and do not apply any other treatment.

By applying the masks before bed, their components will work throughout the night and we will be able to fight the rebellious spots, while providing the skin with the necessary dose of collagen for the face.

Did you get excited about preparing these wonderful jelly masks? Don’t hesitate to give it a try if you want to improve the health of your face.

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