4 Drinks To Fight Hair Loss

Although it is very important to know the cause of hair loss to seek a specific treatment, a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help us to stop it.
4 drinks to fight hair loss

Hair loss occurs for several reasons. But we know that it is directly related to food, as it shows a remarkable improvement with the daily and balanced consumption of nutrients and vitamins of the B complex and metals such as selenium and zinc.

In this article, we’ve put together several easy-to-prepare beverage recipes with delicious flavors that, if taken regularly, will deeply nourish your hair and prevent sagging.

Why does hair fall out?

In addition to drinking the drinks, it is essential to identify the causes of hair loss in order to have a complete treatment. These are the most common causes of this problem:

  • Seasonal changes, especially autumn and spring.
  • Nutritional deficits.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Stress.
  • Continuous exposure to aggressive chemicals.
  • Genetic issues.
the hair loss

Avocado and nettle against hair loss

In any shake, avocado is always a good choice, as it is one of the most complete fruits due to its supply of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.

Avocado is especially recommended for those with dry hair, as it has healthy fats for consumption.

The flavor and creaminess of the avocado allows the combination of flavor with the nettle that must be collected with a glove.

Nettle can be used in a variety of ways to prevent falling, weakening, oiliness and even dandruff. It is rich in vitamins B, C, D and E and minerals such as iron, sulfur and silicon. Many treatments for alopecia include nettle among the ingredients.


  • 1/2 avocado.
  • A handful of fresh nettles.
  • 1/2 glass of water or juice.
  • A little honey (optional).
the hair loss

Apple, hazelnut and sunflower oil

This delicately flavored, creamy-textured beat contains essential ingredients for the health of our hair.

Apples are rich in selenium, among many other vitamins and minerals, and hazelnuts contain biotin, a nutrient that is present in many shampoos and hair treatments. Sunflower oil contains linoleic acid which is essential for healthy, shiny hair.


  • An apple (if it’s organic you can put the peel on).
  • 8-10 hazelnuts ground and soaked in half a glass of water. We can also use hazelnut milk.
  • One tablespoon of sunflower oil.

Oats, figs and brewer’s yeast

Oats are a very nutritious cereal and ideal for hair loss, rich in B vitamins and minerals such as zinc and iron.

In this case, we mix the oats together with fresh or dried figs, which are rich in zinc and will add a sweet touch to the beat.

Finally, brewer’s yeast is the ideal natural supplement for any hair and skin problem. In addition, it also helps to regulate the nervous system.


  • A spoonful of oats cooked for two minutes in a glass of water (include the cooking water).
  • Two fresh or dried figs (if dry, soak for a few hours).
  • A shallow tablespoon of powdered brewer’s yeast.
the hair loss

spinach and kiwi

This is a green beat and very original ingredients that combine together. Spinach, rich in iron and folic acid, combines perfectly with kiwi fruit, a citrus fruit that, being rich in vitamin C, helps in the absorption of all nutrients.

Spinach, despite being a vegetable, has a very mild flavor and its flavor is not very noticeable along with the acidity of kiwi fruit.


  • 2 ripe kiwi fruit.
  • A handful of spinach, organic if possible.
  • Half a glass of apple juice or water.
  • A spoon of honey.

Images courtesy of lornagrl and gregoirevdb

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