4 Herbal Infusions To Relax

Relaxation infusions help to balance the nervous system in times of stress, anxiety or insomnia. Are you interested in trying them out? We’ll share four options below.
4 herbal infusions to relax

We all live, to a greater or lesser degree, stressful and demanding realities. Big city overstimulation and concerns are on the rise. So these relaxing herbal infusions can be our allies on the toughest days.

There are herbal infusions to relax you in different situations. Some of them are helpful when you are going through a very stressful situation and need to regain your balance. Others help to lull us to sleep or to dispel the uneasy feeling that sometimes overwhelms us.

Best of all, these herbal infusions are completely natural and usually have no side effects. Few of them are contraindicated in cases where there is a chronic disease. What do you think about trying them out?

Types of Herbal Infusions to Relax

There are different types of herbal infusions to relax you, depending on the effect they produce. They all offer peace of mind. However, nervousness is not always expressed in the same way. Sometimes it presents itself as anguish, other times in the form of migraine, insomnia, etc.

The main types of relaxing infusions are as follows :

  • Sleeping infusions. Basically, they are used to combat insomnia and contribute to a truly restful sleep.
  • Herbal teas for anxiety. They are useful in times of high stress or an emotional crisis. Moisturise and contain antioxidants.
  • Infusions to reduce tension. Blood pressure is very sensitive to our moods. Stress often causes uncontrollability and this, in turn, causes anguish. With an infusion, it is possible to help regulate it.
  • For the headache. Nervous states often lead to headaches or migraines. Some infusions work very well in these cases.

Let’s see what are the herbal infusions to relax in each case.

1. Valerian infusion for peaceful sleep

valerian infusion
Valerian root helps regulate the nervous system and fight stress and insomnia.

Valerian can prepare one of the most effective infusions for relaxation. This wonderful plant is very easy to obtain and ideal for insomnia sufferers. A publication in The American Journal of Medicine  concluded that valerian can improve sleep quality, although evidence is still limited.

The infusion is prepared with the leaves, the root or both. Put a tablespoon into a cup of boiling water and let it sit for 5 minutes before drinking. Overuse can be toxic, so taking breaks is recommended.

2. Passion fruit, one of the herbal infusions to relax

Passion fruit was used systematically by Aztec physicians to combat nervous states. It is a powerful herb that should never be combined with doctor-prescribed anxiolytics.

It also has analgesic effects and generally produces a certain euphoria; therefore, it is not uncommon for it to be prescribed in cases of depression. The infusion is prepared by placing a tablespoon of the plant in a cup of boiling water. Turn off the heat, cover and let stand for five minutes. Not to be taken by children under 4 years of age.

3. Green tea for high blood pressure

Green tea
Green tea helps regulate blood pressure. Furthermore, it is rich in antioxidants and offers many other benefits.

Green tea has interesting properties to treat different health problems. It has a relaxing effect on the circulatory system, and that is why it is one of the most recommended herbs to treat an episode of increased blood pressure. In addition, it not only helps to regulate the tension, it helps to keep it from rising again.

To prepare the infusion, you should put a teaspoon of green tea into a cup of boiling water. Then cover and let stand for a period of 10 to 15 minutes. At the end of this period, it is necessary to strain the liquid using a sieve. Ideally, drink one or two cups a day for three days in a row if you are prone to high blood pressure.

4. Lavender, a good antidote for migraines

Lavender   is ideal for making one of the  best teas for relaxing and, in turn, controlling migraines. It is a medicinal plant that has interesting properties, in addition to a pleasant aroma. It contains over 150 active components, all of which are very beneficial for the nervous system.

The best way to prepare the infusion is to boil a glass of water and add a tablespoon of lavender flowers when it is boiling. Then cover and let stand 20 minutes. Then strain and add a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of lemon. Take three times a day for a week. Rest for a week and repeat the cycle.

Do you suffer from stress or anxiety? Are you having trouble sleeping? So, prepare one of these infusions and enjoy its benefits. Obviously, if the problem persists or becomes chronic, see your doctor to find out other treatment options.

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