4 Home Treatments To Treat Calluses On The Skin

Thanks to their anti-inflammatory and healing properties, these remedies are very effective in treating corns. Also, start adjusting your shoes well and wearing gloves if you do manual work.
4 home treatments to treat calluses on the skin

Do you know why corns appear? To protect us . They appear due to the friction of the skin with shoes or with a work tool such as a shovel or pen.

The body knows that when this happens, the epidermis can be injured, even presenting very painful blisters. Therefore, our body decides that the region where friction occurs should get thicker.

While this reaction is unsightly, it is very effective for its purpose. However, everything has its limit, even callosity. It can bleed and be as painful as the friction you try to avoid.

There are many types of therapies, but as always, we prefer home remedies. With them, we have the advantage of knowing the components we use.

This protects us from unwanted surprises or unexpected side effects. Furthermore, when we choose components from these alternatives, we select the best quality ones.

However, to prevent them from appearing, we suggest adjusting your shoe size and wearing gloves if the tools you use hurt your skin.

These two things are key to avoiding corns.

Home Treatments for Corns

1. Garlic juice

Garlic to fight calluses on the skin

The benefits of garlic are countless. In this case, we are interested in its anti-inflammatory, healing and antiseptic properties.


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (5 g)

Elaboration and application

  • Chop the garlic into 4 pieces.
  • Crush them with a pestle.
  • Add the oil to form a paste.
  • Spread over the area and cover to protect it.

2. Leek and Vinegar

Footbath to treat calluses on the skin

In addition to being a fantastic food to keep the body in shape, its high content of vitamin C makes leeks a great ally for our skin.

Wine vinegar is a great disinfectant, so the two products complement each other perfectly.


  • 1 cup of wine vinegar (200 ml)
  • ½ leeks


  • A non-cutting spatula

Elaboration and application

  • Put the vinegar in a glass and remove the leek leaves.
  • Dip the leeks in the vinegar and let it macerate for 24 hours.
  • Pass the leek leaves over the affected area to soften the callus and let it come off little by little.
  • Use the spatula without using too much force: think that the preparation has to be used to get rid of the calluses without effort and without pain.
  • Don’t forget to cover the affected area to avoid infections.

3. Chamomile tea

Chamomile footbath for calluses on the skin

As with garlic, chamomile is an ideal anti-inflammatory for this problem, especially since it also works as an anesthetic. So if you are more sensitive to pain, this is your ideal remedy.


  • 12 cups of water (3 liters)
  • 2 cups of chamomile flowers or 12 sachets (120 g)


  • A basin where you can make a footbath

Note:  These measures are for treating corns on the feet. If you have them elsewhere, the quantities may vary.

Preparation and application

  • Bring the water to a boil with the sachets or chamomile flowers.
  • When the tea is ready, remove the sachets, or strain the flowers.
  • Pour the tea into the basin and soak your feet: the water should be hot, but not burning.
  • When it’s cool, you can throw the water away.
  • Repeat for several days until the calluses are eliminated.

If you are going to use the tea on your hands or elsewhere, you can use gauze.

4. Marigold Petals

Calendula petal cream to treat calluses on the skin

Calendula not only hydrates and softens the skin, it is also anti-inflammatory and healing.

This home remedy is also effective against acne or other skin imperfections, so we will instruct you to prepare a good amount of it.


  • 3 cups of olive oil (600 g)
  • 1 cup of marigold flowers (60 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of beeswax (45 g)


  • a filter
  • a glass container

Elaboration and application

  • Mace the marigold petals in the oil for 40 days.
  • After that time, strain the oil and heat it in a bain-marie.
  • When it’s hot, add the wax and continue heating until it dissolves.
  • Then put in a glass container, or several, quickly so that it doesn’t harden.
  • Let cool.
  • Apply the cream to gently treat the corns.

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