4 Negative Effects Of Cell Phone Use

Even though there is no doubt that the cell phone has made life easier, it is also possible that, on occasion, its use negatively affects our health.
4 negative effects of cell phone use

Nowadays almost everyone has a cell phone. However, the negative effects of cell phone use go completely unnoticed. For this reason, it is necessary to discover them and gain some light on the subject, to be aware of the risk we may be taking.

As the years go by, cell phones get updated to the point where we can say they ‘re little portable computers that we carry around up and down.

However, even though they have many positive elements that make life easier, there are others that are not so good.

Negative effects of cell phone use

Even though there are several negative effects of cell phone use, today we are going to focus on only 4 of them. The ones that we consider most important and that we think require a deeper explanation to internalize healthy learning. Let’s see what they are:

1. Favors procrastination

Negative effects of cell phone

When we are working or studying, where is the cell phone? Probably close to us, in my pocket or on the table.

All this in case they call us, if a message arrives on  whatsapp,  or we have to reply to an email. However, this is all unhealthy.

One of the negative effects of cell phone use is that it prevents us from concentrating and makes us always alert to any possible interruption that may arise.

It doesn’t matter how focused we are at work or studying. When the cell phone rings, we can’t help but give it our full attention.

This can prevent us from making the most of our time and, between seeing what has arrived and being distracted by a social network,  in the end we are putting off what really matters.

  • Leaving your cell phone on silent in your pocket, in another room or in your backpack will be much better. Thus, we avoid being always hanging.

2. Prevents us from enjoying the moments more

This is very important, because every time we travel or capture a beautiful moment (fireworks, an anniversary…), the first thing we think about is taking a picture or making a video.

We often have the thought of instantly posting on social media and starting to get “likes”. Is this so important? Is it true that we so despise such a special moment?

We learn to see and experience the most beautiful things through a screen. Instead of saving the phone and enjoying, we thought about taking the photo and sharing it, see how many friends like it!

3. Real risks to our well-being

Surprised woman with news on cell phone

Another of the negative effects of cell phone use is that it actually puts our health at risk. On television we’ve already seen how people smack their faces against poles because they’re focused on their cell phones.

Others suffer  traffic accidents because they can’t stop looking at their cell phones even while driving.

Thus, this not only endangers their own health, but also that of others. Think about how someone looking at a cell phone while driving a car might run over a pedestrian for not having seen him. Are we so dependent on the cell phone that we can’t let it stand still for a second?

4. Damages our social relationships

couple using cell phone in bed

The last of the negative effects of the cell phone is that it  not only poses a risk to our health, but also to our social relationships. Many of us have seen a family of four eating in a restaurant, in silence and all typing and having fun on their cell phones.

It’s a scene that generates a lot of sadness in people and a great hopelessness about what might happen in the future. Why are people going to eat in a restaurant if they are not going to talk to each other? The cell phone, overused,  makes us miss such wonderful moments as the face-to-face interaction  with another human being.

There are people who claim to have a cell phone addiction and that they cannot let go of it at any time. Do you consider yourself one of them? What do you think will happen if the negative effects of the cell phone don’t reduce and, over time, increase?

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