4 Themes That Are Affecting Your Relationship And Pushing You Away

Lack of communication and not spending time alone with your partner can end up affecting your relationship and even causing it to break up.
4 themes that are affecting your relationship and pushing you away

Would you say your relationship is healthy and really successful? Before answering in the affirmative, review issues that affect your relationship.

You will find that many of these situations seem like unimportant things, but  their effect can cause endless arguments and pointless fights that end up in separation.

Ready? So dig deeper with us and, even more importantly, know how to handle this situation.

1. Avoid talking about what seems unimportant

Lack of communication may be affecting your relationship

One of the themes affecting your relationship is silence. You can’t expect your partner to read your mind and figure out what you expect from him, as if by magic.

Some people avoid talking about certain topics because they don’t know how to approach them or because they don’t care about them. What you should consider is that if an issue is generating nuisance or resentment of some sort, then it is really serious.

You shouldn’t be afraid that your partner will think you’re overreacting. Giving this sort of thing done only complicates communication.

The best you can do is sit down and openly say what bothers you or what you expect. A very common example occurs with household chores.

Many women simply do all the chores around the house and complain that their partner will understand that they need help.

Instead of saying you are very tired, next time ask him clearly to help you.  First of all, avoid saying things like  “do it if you want”  or  “if you have time”.

2. You prefer to spend more time with your friends or family than with your partner

Another issue that may be affecting your relationship is the lack of coexistence.

It is quite normal that you occasionally want to spend more time with your friends or family, but  you should always take time to be alone with your partner.

Sometimes this becomes more difficult when the children arrive. Suddenly the priority is to take care of the little ones, keep the house in order and rest when there is time.

We don’t tell you to forget all this, because all these things are very important, but there must always be a time for the two of you to be alone together. Even if it’s a few minutes, but you should always make time for yourselves.

Choose an activity that is meaningful and make time for it.  Nothing comes to mind? Here are some ideas to put into practice:

  • Have breakfast together every day;
  • Go to the movies once a week;
  • Watch a chapter of your favorite series together;
  • Go for a walk every night and talk about your day;

In the end, it’s not about spending the whole day together, but about finding meaningful moments that unite them as a couple.

3. Personal and couple finances

Couple arguing and affecting their relationship

Another issue affecting your relationship is how you manage your money. There are couples who simply choose to avoid the topic because they always end up arguing. Does this happen to you?

It may seem that personal finances have nothing to do with your relationship. However, it  is a crucial aspect and should not be ignored.

Start by analyzing why you don’t talk about it:

  • Your partner has bad habits with your finances;
  • One of the two has debts and financial problems at home;
  • The family economy depends entirely on one of you, or at least for the most part;

It’s possible that when you moved in together, you established some rules on this topic, but you don’t have to think it’s something that will never change.

Take time to talk with your partner and  find options to improve your economic situation.

For example, if each month you receive credit card bills with expenses that are impossible to face, it is time to start organizing a family budget.

It is true that in the beginning there may be problems determining expenses and getting organized. However, after some negotiations, they will be able to move forward.

Above all, remember that you are together because you love each other and  money is another factor in the relationship, but it is not the most important.

4. The work

Work can affect your relationship

The last of the themes that is affecting your relationship as a couple is activities at work. If you don’t believe, ask yourself:

  • How many hours do you spend pending your work?
  • Do you usually leave family activities to fulfill the activities your boss asked for?
  • Does it seem more acceptable to leave your family on a Saturday to complete a work assignment?

We know that work is something important for the family, because thanks to it you can give your loved ones a desired quality of life. However, if you make this a priority, your relationship will be broken and badly damaged.

Although it is not always easy, it is important that you learn to  manage your time in order to give your partner the necessary prominence.

Which of these themes do you believe is affecting your partner the most? What will you do to change the situation?

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