5 Awesome Tricks For People With A Slow Metabolism

Did you know that, in addition to helping you wake up, both coffee and green tea are ideal for getting your metabolism up and running? To avoid insomnia problems, have breakfast in the morning.
5 awesome tricks for people with a slow metabolism

Many of us often talk about metabolism as a dimension we wish we could control to facilitate weight loss.

Something that is also curious is that many people who do not take care of their diet and lead a very sedentary life justify their inability to lose weight with their slow metabolism.

It’s a family thing, I can’t do anything!

While the body does change when it reaches adulthood and it’s much harder to get rid of extra fat, the truth is, there are always some strategies that can help.

When we talk about metabolism we are referring to all the exceptional and perfect chemical processes through which cells ensure the proper functioning of the body.

It is possible to imagine this process as a fully functioning machine that will always thank you when we offer you the best “fuel”.

There are many nutrients capable of promoting this mobility, the internal energy with which to accelerate the slow metabolism and make it more agile.

Today, in our space, we want to share 5 simple tips that will be of great help.

1. Eat many times a day, but in small amounts.

healthy salad

It is always better to eat five meals a day, but serving small amounts. The classic “attacks” that soothe ravenous hunger and anxiety are not adequate.

  • Never leave the house without breakfast, nor go to bed without dinner.
  • Keep in mind that spacing your food out for many hours means you suffer sudden drops in sugar, experience tiredness and, in the long run, further decrease your metabolism.
  • The ideal is to eat the right amount, serve varied, balanced dishes.
  • As well as satiating hunger between meals with fresh fruits or oilseeds.

2. Pepper, in the right amounts, helps

Do you like cayenne pepper? The finger-of-girl pepper? So, include them in small amounts in your diet as this will immediately increase metabolic activity by up to 20%.

You’ll get all this thanks to capsaicin. It is an active component that, in addition to offering a very stimulating spicy taste, allows attacking the younger fat to destroy it.

One can prepare spicy dishes twice a week. That way, you’ll be able to lose weight with health, as long as you take care of the rest of your diet.

3. Say yes to proteins to speed up metabolism

quinoa with zucchini

This data may be surprising, but proteins help to keep the organism at full performance, as they take longer to be digested. Since they require a greater concentration of energy to be absorbed.

However, it is important to know how to choose the most suitable protein source. Think that red meat with a lot of fat, for example, will do the opposite: reduce the speed of metabolism.

That way, check out the best sources of protein to build muscle and, on the other hand, speed up the metabolic rate.

  • Chickpea
  • Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Sardine
  • Tuna
  • chicken and turkey meat
  • Avocado
  • natural white yogurt
  • Grapefruit
  • Chia seeds

4. The best drinks: coffee and green tea

Consumed with balance and moderation, both green tea and coffee can help speed up your metabolism.

Your breakfast will be complete as long as you include this cup of coffee. Also, your brain will thank you, and so will your metabolism.

Coffee contains several very interesting active substances:

  • Caffeine, a fabulous alkaloid for the body.
  • Theobromine and theophylline, two substances related to caffeine and which also have a stimulating effect.
  • Chlorogenic acid, a compound that allows you to absorb carbohydrates more slowly.

Green tea and its catechins support liver function to convert fat into energy. So don’t hesitate to have a cup in the middle of the afternoon to enjoy its benefits.

5. The HIIT method: 5 minutes of high intensity exercise is enough

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) refers to the type of routine that combines aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

We’ve already talked about some other articles on our site before.

When a person wants to lose weight, gain muscle and speed up metabolism, classic aerobic exercises are not enough.

If you are interested in putting it into practice simply at home, see a small example of how to carry it out.

metabolism exercises
  • Start your exercise session with stretching and a warm-up.
  • Without moving or advancing, perform the same movements as running by moving your knees quickly; 20 seconds is enough.
  • Now do 10 push ups.
  • Then go back to doing simple stretching exercises.
  • The following simple exercise is based on sitting on the edge of a very firm chair.
  • Lean back slightly.
  • Then contract your abdomen and bend your knees 90 degrees.
  • Finally, hold this position for 20 seconds.

These are simple examples that can  be complemented with other equally easy but intense ones.

Just dedicate 5 minutes of your time a day to this very healthy routine.

Anyway, your metabolism will thank you.

Main image courtesy of © wikiHow.com

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