5 Benefits Of Swimming In The Summer

Are you looking for incentives to start swimming this year? Introducing the benefits of swimming in the summer. Discover them!
5 benefits of swimming in the summer

Swimming is one of the most complete disciplines that exist. Plus, it’s one of the most popular sports when summer comes. Few things are as relaxing as swimming when the sun’s rays raise the temperature. Would you like to include this sport in your routine during the hot months? Discover 5 benefits of swimming in the summer.

Unlike other summer sports, swimming doesn’t require many prerequisites. It is suitable for people of all ages, experienced athletes and amateurs, people of different weights, and it adapts very well among those who have some kind of limitation or disability.

The benefits of swimming in the summer

Summer has finally arrived. You want to enjoy the sunshine, the holidays, the free time and, of course, having fun. Still, you can continue to take care of your health, and there’s no better way to do that than by swimming.

In case you have any doubts about this discipline, we have prepared a selection of the best benefits of swimming in the summer. Pay attention and remember them the next time you look for excuses not to swim.

Woman in the pool enjoying the benefits of swimming.
Summer is ideal for swimming outdoors and taking advantage of this discipline.

1. Allows you to burn calories

You’ve arrived in the summer season sporting a crunchy abdomen or dreamy curves. However, that’s no excuse to stop training during the warmer months. On average, one hour of underwater activity will cause you to lose between 400 and 700 calories, depending on intensity.

That’s why researchers don’t hesitate to recommend swimming for overweight people or to prevent obesity. The strains that require the most effort are the ones that will make you lose weight the most. In this way, the butterfly style is the most efficient you can choose to burn more calories.

2. You reduce your stress levels

Studies support the use of swimming to control and even reduce stress levels. When summer comes around, you want to disconnect from studies, work, and some monotonous obligations. If you think your stress levels are particularly high, what better way to reduce them than with the help of this discipline?

But that is not all. Researchers also agree that swimming helps control anxiety. You don’t need to spend hours and hours underwater to benefit. 15 minutes of swimming is enough to clear your mind of worries.

3. You tone your muscles

Swimming is one of the most complete disciplines for achieving physical fitness. This is because you train every muscle in your body at the same time. Arms, legs, back and torso are involved in each movement.

The result is none other than muscle toning. Depending on how you train, you can improve your skills in speed, strength, coordination and power.

4. You strengthen your cardiovascular fitness

One of the benefits of summer swimming that we couldn’t leave off our list is cardiovascular fitness. This sport is considered an aerobic exercise, which strengthens the cardiac and pulmonary systems.

It is not uncommon, therefore, for experts to recommend swimming for patients with asthma. They also suggest practicing it to improve the condition of heart disease. Even if your health isn’t compromised in either way, it’s an excellent method of strengthening it.

5. You reduce the risk of injury

Sports such as cycling, running, soccer and tennis are associated with joint injuries. Your ankles, knees and hips feel the heightened impact. However, with swimming you get the opposite: your joints become more flexible and you stimulate your recovery.

That’s why it’s recommended for athletes recovering from injuries, as well as for people who have a back, joint, or muscle disability.

Summer swimming for rehabilitation
Rehabilitation processes and joint care are possible with regular swimming.

swim safely in summer

Now that you know the benefits of swimming in the summer, you’re sure to be excited to run to the pool. Before doing this, be sure to consider some helpful tips for safe practice.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we suggest that you pay attention to the following:

  • If you swim in a pool, make sure it meets all the necessary hygiene requirements.
  • If you do this in oceans, lakes or rivers, make sure they are completely safe for swimming.
  • Avoid moving to greater depths if you have not yet mastered swimming technique.
  • Respect the dividing lines and notices in public swimming spaces.
  • Avoid swimming if you have a wound that has not completely healed.
  • Check for a lifeguard to help you in an emergency.
  • Shower before and after entering the water.

If you keep these basics in mind, you can swim safely in the summer. Start with short sessions and increase the intensity according to your underwater performance. If you wish, you can review our swimming style guide so you can incorporate them all into your workout.

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