5 Benefits You Get When You Stop Wearing Heels

Heels can help us show off more stylized legs, but they actually impede circulation and are one of the culprits behind varicose veins.

Heels are one of the most used types of shoes for women. Its shapes, colors and sizes make it possible to highlight the image and reflect an important part of the personality.

However, after using them for a prolonged time or continuously, there are some health side effects that should be considered before the aesthetic itself.

While it’s not bad to use jumps over and over again, it’s best to avoid frequent use;  to prevent back, leg and other body problems.

As we know that despite all this, many people use the jump daily, we want to reveal 5 good things that happen when we stop using it.

1. Stop wearing heels prevents back pain

Woman with back pain from wearing heels

Wearing heels tilts your pelvis, making your buttocks look firm. The problem is that this increases the pressure on the lower part of the spine and on the muscles that make it up.

In particular cases, this leads to a condition called spondylolisthesis, which is the slipping of one vertebra over another, which results in nerve damage and severe pain.

Since you wear the shoes with high heels less, the spine returns to the starting position and, almost instantly, pain and tension are relieved.

Therefore, the less you wear high shoes, the more you will decrease your risk of having back pain and disease .

2. Goodbye Achilles’ heel

When the feet lift with the heels, the pressure on the heel increases and a condition known as the Achilles’ heel develops.

In people with plantar fasciitis, inflammation occurs in the thick region that connects the heel and toes ; worsening existing pain.

After discarding these shoes, replacing them with a more comfortable one; in a matter of weeks the tendon will stop causing problems and will regain its normal size.

All pain in the lower extremities disappears as the muscle is released from excess tension.

3. Runner’s knee disappears

Woman with knee pain from wearing heels


The  knee  corridor is a term widely used by health professionals to refer to conditions that affect this part of the body.

It is a type of injury derived from the overload that runners have;  but it can also be produced by other activities that involve constant inflections.

With high-heeled shoes, the center of gravity moves forward, increasing the strain on the knee’s tendons and ligaments.

This not only causes pain, but produces inflammation and movement difficulties.

Although there are several factors that can cause this problem, it is worth noting that heels are one of the culprits.

4. Improves balance

As much as you have experience with wearing these types of shoes, there is a high probability that you will fall or injure yourself.

Excessive force produced between the muscles surrounding the ankle increases its instability and, consequently, balance is reduced.

Walking in flat shoes, however, improves the condition of that muscle group and allows them to work as they should.

As a result, they promote stability and are less likely to have recurrent pain and falls.

5. Prevents the formation of varicose veins

Woman with varicose veins from wearing heels

Despite the lack of scientific evidence showing the relationship between the use of high-heeled shoes and the appearance of varicose veins, some experts agree that these produce difficulties in circulation.

The use of these shoes, especially the one known as “needle heels”, increases the pressure on the legs and hinders blood flow.

As the blood is not transported correctly, in the medium and long term these small spider veins and varicose veins appear, which can represent a problem for the feet and legs.

Of course, by choosing flatter and more comfortable shoes, blood mobility returns to its normal state and reduces this risk.

In short,  although high-heeled shoes  are a very elegant accessory and suitable for many occasions; it is better to reduce its usage as much as possible to avoid unnecessary risks.

We’re sure you’ll find a healthier way to show off your style every day. Think about your health!

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