5 Fantastic Benefits Of Bee Pollen

Pollen has amazing health-enhancing properties, so we shouldn’t ignore it. Get to know all its benefits in this article.
5 Fantastic Benefits of Bee Pollen

Do you know the benefits of bee pollen? You have tried? The truth is that this granulate is less consumed and used than honey, although it has many health-beneficial properties.

This is not surprising considering that honey is sweet and easy to incorporate into almost any preparation we desire, from beauty products to food.

What is bee pollen?

Before talking about the benefits of bee pollen, it’s important to know what it is. Bees collect plant pollen as part of their daily work. When making this collection,  the pollen is mixed with the nectar, or secretion from your salivary glands.

Afterwards, the collected pollen is stored in some parts of the honeycomb, where it is covered with a little honey and wax. This coating causes a fermentation that improves the pollen nutritionally. After a while, the fermented pollen serves as food for the bees.

The fermentation process improves the properties of pollen from common plants. The result is a granulate enriched with up to 250 elements including lipids, vitamins, micronutrients, amino acids and flavonoids.

The Benefits of Bee Pollen

Now that you know where bee pollen comes from, it’s time to talk about its benefits. You will find them to be diverse and quite interesting:

1. Improves your energy

couple doing exercises

The first benefit of bee pollen is that it  is energizing. This is especially beneficial for people who are busy all day, and by the time the afternoon comes, they no longer have the strength to continue.

This quality of pollen is due to its large amount of:

  • Proteins
  • B vitamins
  • Carbohydrates

Although you can choose other sources of protein and carbohydrates, consider that bee pollen  does not add extra calories. This makes it a better choice than cereal bars, breads or commercial cereals.

2. Improves the appearance of your skin

Are you tired of trying all kinds of soaps, masks and any product that promises healthier, more beautiful skin? Do you suffer from constant irritations such as eczema or psoriasis?

In this case, you should know that another benefit of bee pollen is  to significantly improve your skin, 

In fact, it’s likely that you’ve used products that contain this pollen as a basic ingredient.

The reason this ingredient is so beneficial to your skin is the presence of vitamins and amino acids that protect the dermis.   To enjoy these benefits, you can choose to include bee pollen in your diet or with this mask:


  • ½ cup natural yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon of natural bee pollen


  • Wash your face with warm water and mild soap.
  • Mix yogurt and pollen.
  • Apply to your face using a circular motion.
  • Let it acts for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.

3. Protects the respiratory system

woman with sore throat

Do you have asthma problems? People who have or have had asthma at some point in their lives face the same situation: inflammation and frequent pulmonary complications.

4. Fights allergies

In our daily life, we are exposed to a lot of products that can cause allergies. Sometimes it’s a transient allergy that’s easy to fight, while others are a chronic problem.

Another benefit of bee pollen is that the histamine it contains helps to reduce allergic discomfort.

However, the evidence that exists is inconclusive and, as we mentioned earlier, it can be dangerous.

Just remember to follow the doctor’s instructions to prevent the situation from getting worse, because histamine doesn’t completely solve the problem.

5. It is an excellent antioxidant

woman measuring blood sugar

In a study carried out in 2015, it was proven that the enzymes present in bee pollen are of great help in combating serious diseases, such as:

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • cardiovascular problems

How to get the benefits of bee pollen?

Although bee pollen consumption is not that common, it is not complicated either. The most common forms are:

  • Natural granules. You can buy bee pollen at your favorite health store and mix it with your natural yogurt or green juice. This mixture will have no flavor, or maybe just a slight bitterness.
    • To improve its flavor, you can add half a teaspoon of honey.
  • In capsules. In case you don’t consume the natural granules, get bee pollen in capsules. These are usually quite inexpensive, but you should make sure they are really natural.
    • To do this, look in recognized establishments and check if they have the registration with the health agency in your country.

You should always go to your doctor before consuming any medicine or compound, natural or not, this is because often some medicines can react unexpectedly if taken with other elements.

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