5 Health Problems That Swollen Ankles Warn Of

Although there are different home remedies that can help us deinflame swollen ankles, if the inflammation doesn’t go down, we should see a doctor for a diagnosis. 

Do you often have permanent swollen ankles and you’re not sure why?

Note, because there are certain  health problems that become visible through swelling in your ankles.

There are many tricks to alleviate swelling, such as lifting your legs, soaking your feet in warm salt water, or drinking anti-inflammatory infusions like dandelion.

However, if the problem persists, we should  see a specialist to see what causes the swelling.

This way, we can eradicate it at the root, in addition to checking if it is a warning that our body sends us that something is not right.

1. Weak blood vessels

The most common reason for swollen feet is often poor circulation. In the case of older people, it can be due to the fact that the blood vessels are getting weaker or because of a more serious problem.

In the case of younger people, it can respond to a congenital problem or other causes, such as:

  • Incorrect posture when sitting.
  • Spend many hours standing.
  • Sleeping in an incorrect position.

If this is the case, simply combining a few habits may be enough to resolve the issue.

However, it costs nothing to consult a doctor, as it can also  be an early sign of venous insufficiency.

Vascular diseases in the lower extremities are classified as arterial or venous:

  • Arterials can be due to a local defect in the arteries, for example, aneurysms, or a consequence of other diseases such as atherosclerosis.
  • Venous veins include varicose veins and venous thrombosis.

2. Blood clots

If swelling appears in just one leg, it could be a sign of a blood clot that is obstructing the veins.

This swelling may be accompanied by:

  • Pain.
  • Low-grade fever.
  • Color changes such as darkening or paleness of the skin.

In any case, it is best to seek medical attention as soon as possible to obtain a proper diagnosis.

3. Exercise incorrectly

Exercises that affect the ankles

If you exercise on your own, you may be doing something wrong. To be sure, check your ankles for swelling.

At this point we must be careful, because swollen ankles cannot be confused with an inflammation of muscle origin.

  • The latter are different in that they are accompanied by pain, and are felt inside rather than superficially.
  • Muscle inflammation is more common on one extremity, but if it appears on both, you should ask yourself if you are exercising incorrectly or wearing an inappropriate shoe.

4. Not resting well

Inadequate rest can also cause some swelling due to fluid retention.

In this case, a swollen ankle is a  sign of having too little rest or eating poorly.

  • To avoid the problem, reduce your intake of sodium, sugars and flour.
  • Rest for 15 minutes a day with your legs up and, of course, don’t miss sleeping for between six and eight hours a day.

5. Reaction to medication can cause swollen ankles

If you are taking any medication that has caused a reaction, your ankles may swell up.

The reason for this is that some drugs cause swelling as a side effect.

  • It is best to consult your doctor: in some cases it is an effect you will need to tolerate, but in others it is  an indicator that the drug should be regulated or switched  to another.

Natural Remedies to Relieve Swollen Ankles

Luckily, there are certain natural remedies that will help alleviate this problem and alleviate the possible inconvenience it can cause.

For this, you can use chamomile essential oil, or prepare a tea to gently massage the area in question.


  • 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (20 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • Heat the water and, when it starts to boil, add the chamomile.
  • Let it cook for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and wait for it to cool.
  • Strain and apply over legs gradually.
  • For a few minutes, massage in circular motions from your feet to your knees.

Don’t forget that if you have swollen ankles and the condition doesn’t go away with this advice, it could be a symptom of a more serious health problem.

It is best to see a doctor.

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