5 Healthy, Low-calorie Foods For Your Diet

Broccoli’s phytochemicals help to reduce systemic inflammation and the risk of developing disease in the medium and long term.
5 healthy, low-calorie foods for your diet

Losing weight depends almost entirely on your habits. You can cut down on servings and get several hours of exercise daily. However, if you don’t eat healthily, your efforts won’t yield positive results. Do you have questions about what healthy foods you should eat? In this article, we give you some options. If some don’t please you, make an effort, because the results will be very worth it.

Healthy and low-calorie foods

1. Arugula

The first healthy food on our list is arugula. This vegetable is characterized by a slightly spicy and very particular flavor. Moreover, the rocket is rich in fiber, potassium and vitamins A, C and K. As far as calories are concerned, it only offers 4 per cup, making it an excellent base for smoothies and salads.

Thanks to its nutrients, it is an excellent option to reduce fat and control cholesterol. Its fiber content stimulates the feeling of satiety and partially blocks the absorption of lipids at the intestinal level. In addition, being rich in antioxidants, it helps to maintain natural beauty and fight damage caused by the environment.

You can consume it as often as you like. To complement its flavor, you can use a little lemon or combine it with other foods.

2. Asparagus

Healthy and low-calorie foods

Another healthy food you can eat regularly is asparagus. If you already consume it occasionally, consider consuming it more often.

The first thing you should know is that a cup of asparagus provides something like 27 calories, which is a very small amount. This vegetable is a natural diuretic, which favors the elimination of fluids from your body. Furthermore, it is rich in vitamin A, E, folate, iron and proteins.

For when you drink too much alcohol or if you tend to eat in an unhealthy way, asparagus is a good option to eliminate accumulated toxins.

Due to its flavor, it may not be simple to consume. However, you just need to get used to it. Its benefits are too good not to try it, don’t you think?

3. Broccoli

When we talk about healthy foods, one of the most common is broccoli, and for several reasons: it is economical, easy to prepare and rich in nutrients. When it comes to calories, it offers just 31 per cup.

Broccoli is considered a superfood, so you should consume it several times a week. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Furthermore,

Best of all, broccoli itself is a very complete food. If you want to add a little more flavor to it, you can combine it with cheese, yogurt and vegetables. The result will be a delicious and very nutritious salad.

To avoid increasing calories, it is recommended to avoid adding processed seasonings. Opt for yogurt or vegetable oils and avoid industrialized mayonnaise and spices.

2. Red fruits

Red fruits are beneficial against inflammation and heart problems

Another group of healthy foods are red fruits, and the best part is that they have several options to choose from. Blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are three examples of berries that you should eat whenever possible.

Red fruits are rich in antioxidants of various kinds. For this reason, they are beneficial against inflammation and heart problems, as shown in a study published in the journal  Advances in Nutrition In addition, they increase the strength of your immune system, thus strengthening your health.

Half a cup of berries provides something close to 32 calories, so you can safely consume them.

5. Tea

Undoubtedly, one of the favorite health foods in recent years is tea. Very old cultures such as Chinese and Japanese already knew its benefits.

Among the most beneficial types of tea are green, white, black and oolong teas. They don’t offer calories unless you add sugar, which we don’t recommend.

The benefits you can get vary depending on the type of tea. However, they are all rich in polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that keeps cells healthy.

Discover 5 healthy, low-calorie foods for your diet

Introduce these healthy foods into a varied diet

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