5 Morning Habits To Start The Day Right

By taking advantage of the potential of morning habits, we can start each day much more energetic.
5 morning habits to start the day right

We need to choose our morning habits well to start the day well. They set our pace for the rest of the day. For this reason, it is essential to take care of our first actions right after waking up.

When we wake up, we need to activate our organism so that we can perform all the tasks that lie ahead. Although we consider that this “activation” starts with drinking the first sip of coffee, it starts in bed.

Yes, the first morning habit that gives us energy and enthusiasm during the day can be done while we are still in bed. When we stretch, stretching our arms, legs, and spine, we are telling the body that it’s time to move from inactivity to activity. We also release muscle tension and eliminate the feeling of numbness.

In this article we comment on the 5 best morning habits to start the day right. You will find them energizing and extremely positive for our health.

Morning habits to start the day right

1. Massage in the ears

woman with earache

Ears have a large number of nerve endings connected to the rest of our body. For this reason, an ear rub is one of the best morning habits to start your day.

A simple ear massage after awakening helps the body to prepare for activities in the mood. If we perform the massage firmly and quickly, we will activate circulation and this will help us to wake up.

2. A glass of water with lemon

Among the morning habits that provide the most energy is hydration. After several hours without drinking fluids, the body needs to hydrate itself to activate its functions.

A good idea to hydrate yourself in the morning is to change your coffee to a glass of warm water with lemon. This helps to improve the functioning of our digestive system. It also helps our liver and intestines, improving our intestinal flora.

Another property of warm lemon water is that it eliminates toxins and strengthens our immune system, providing benefits for the whole body.

It will only be necessary to squeeze a quarter or half of a lemon into a glass of warm water and consume it between 20 and 30 minutes before breakfast each morning.

3. Clean your tongue

Certainly we were all taught when we were children that we have to brush our teeth two or three times a day to maintain our oral health. Well, this action is also part of the morning habits that activate us.

It’s important that when we brush our teeth in the morning, we don’t forget the tongue. Why? Because it accumulates a large amount of bacteria that can lead to the appearance of microorganisms and unpleasant odors, in addition to tartar, cavities and gum problems.

4. A spoon of honey

Honey has multiple properties and benefits. One is that it helps to stimulate memory, because of the vitamins and minerals it contains. Some people only think of honey as a natural remedy to relieve symptoms of the common cold, cough or even allergy.

To stimulate memory, there’s nothing better than taking a spoonful of honey every morning. You should do this between 10 and 15 minutes before breakfast.

On the other hand, it is preferable for the honey to be fresh and natural. If you find the taste too sweet, you can dissolve it in a glass of water or milk. The effect will be the same. Many people choose to sweeten their first coffee of the day with a spoon of honey.

5. Rinse mouth with hydrogen peroxide solution

Hydrogen dropper

In addition to brushing our teeth and tongue, another morning habit we can adopt to improve our oral health is to rinse our mouths with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, a substance better known as hydrogen peroxide.

Just put between 5 and 7 drops in half a liter of water and rinse your mouth every morning with the mixture, as this will help whiten your teeth. It also helps to eliminate odors produced by bad breath and prevent or cure some gum disease.

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