5 Recommended Habits For Being A Calmer Person

Perhaps you are wondering how you can become a calmer person without so many worries. Let’s introduce some habits to achieve.
5 recommended habits to be a calmer person

The more time passes and we get older, we gain more responsibilities that bring with them challenges. No one is exempt from going from moments of peace and joy to problems, difficulties and vice versa. Today we’re going to talk about how to be a calmer person.

The current world that leads us to live at full speed and under pressure is a constant physical, emotional and spiritual strain. As a result of the fragility and high demands of daily life, illnesses such as stress and depression (considered the great evils of the 21st century) are triggered.

Although stress is a natural process in the human body, there are several options and methods to keep it under control.

Why be a calmer person

Facing problems has to do with the way of thinking and the interpretation of reality. In this sense, people who find it easy to relax in the face of life’s adversities develop fewer stress problems.

quiet person resting

On the other hand, stress and depression are often associated with low rates of productivity, performance and effectiveness in different areas of daily life. Furthermore, the negative effects of stress can harm our health. In fact, we are more susceptible to physical illnesses and disorders due to a weakened immune system.

Among the pathologies that we can develop, we have the following:

  • Gastritis.
  • Anxiety.
  • Insomnia.
  • Depression.
  • Hypertension.
  • Nervous colitis.
  • Irritable colon.
  • Gastric ulcers.
  • Myocardial infarction.

Maybe they’ve already warned us, but we’ve never been able to stand up to it. “You should relax and calm down a little more” and the truth is, the theory is right, but… how do you do that?

Habits to be a calmer person

In the sense of what was exposed above, we present some tips to try to relax and take life more calmly.

1. Eat in moderation and healthily

The unbridled pace of life makes us skip meals, which is a real mistake, as the work of Yanina Baratucci explains. We must remember that eating healthily helps the body obtain enough nutrients to withstand stressful situations.

However, it is worth mentioning that there are several foods that can counteract stress and fatigue levels. In this sense, it is believed that the consumption of:

  • Rice.
  • Milk.
  • Salmon.
  • Green tea.
  • Spinach.
  • Blueberries.
  • Bitter chocolate.

2. Exercise

Staying active has both  physical and psychological benefits . In fact, playing sport promotes the release of endorphins, helping us to feel happier. In turn, this hormone also improves physical and respiratory performance.

Also, by releasing tension, it relaxes the mind and body. Thus, playing sports brings feelings of well-being, helping to regulate sleep and promoting a reduction in stress levels while reducing the degree of aggression.

3. Rest well

It’s important to sleep well at night, because during the sleep cycle, the brain organizes the information it has been exposed to during the day. This process allows the body to recover from the stress and impacts produced. In other words, the state of body and mind is restored.

On the other hand, specialist Wendy M. Troxel has shown that sleeping with a partner can help reduce the feeling of stress as cortisol levels decrease and oxytocin production increases.

Adults should rest between 7 and 9 hours a day, elderly people between 7 and 8 hours, teenagers between 8 and 10 and, finally, children between 8 and 12 hours (approximately).

4. Practice yoga and meditation to be a calmer person

These activities are popular today because they are very effective in reducing stress. Although there is currently no thorough study of how yoga interacts at the organic level, researchers at the University of California ensure that the practice of Kirtan Kriya Meditation (KKM) is beneficial.

Therefore, practicing 12 minutes a day for eight weeks would produce a reduction in the biological mechanisms responsible for increasing the immune system’s inflammation response.

In this sense, a study presented by the National University of Seoul (South Korea) concludes that the practice of mindfulness meditation (long-term) can be a treatment strategy in cases of depression and anxiety .

5. Listen to music, sing and dance

They say that the entire universe is harmony and rhythm, setting the beat that defines the foundations of the music. Therefore, there is no stress on it, because that would mean stepping out of the rhythm. In the book “How to be happy according to Don Quixote”, by David García-Rodrigo Roquero, it is indicated that music and singing excite and increase emotions and positive motivations.

This effect leads to the production of endorphins, which contribute to the feeling of well-being, relieve anxiety and distract us from pain. On the other hand, according to the research group The Mindlab International, the song “ Weightless ” is one of the most relaxing in the world, because it reduces anxiety by up to 65%.

  • As for singing, it makes us breathe deeply, bringing more oxygen to the body. Consequently, the body relaxes.
  • It also favors the production of endorphins and oxytocin, so it relieves anxiety and stress. In some cases, it even improves symptoms of depression and loneliness.
  • When we dance, the rhythm of the music influences the heart and breathing rhythm.
  • It also calms the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for reflective functions, giving way to emotion and intuition.

Finally, if we want to enjoy good health, we must cultivate habits that allow us to lead a calmer life. Let’s start?

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