5 Tips For Customizing Your Child’s Room

By customizing your child’s room, you will be providing a space for them to express their way of being and growing as a person.
5 tips for customizing your child's room

Personalizing your child’s bedroom will help them to grow up in a safe, appropriate, and self-identifying environment. In this sense, it is good to try to make the child’s room a space whose decoration is in accordance with their age and gender. You should also know how to choose the ideal colors, the right furniture, as well as ensure good lighting and add lots of toys and games.

The house should  be the space where you and your family live together fully. Ultimately, it constitutes its natural habitat. It’s the place where everyone interacts, relates and loves each other. Therefore, your home has to demonstrate certain conditions. Even more when you have children!

This indicates that  personalizing your child’s room is something you should pay close attention to  and not do for the sake of it. No need to hire a great interior designer or spend a lot of money. It is only necessary that you leave your child’s room with a great personality. As much as your little one surely has or will have.

Why is it important to customize your child’s room?

gray baby room

Your child’s bedroom is the space where your little one will spend most of their everyday lives. So it must be your refuge. A place that is pleasant, safe and comforting. Mostly, it  should look like him, match the way of being that is being forged. Therefore, the importance of customizing the space.

Imagine yourself in a place that you don’t like and that is not comfortable, how do you think you will fully carry out your activities? Giving an answer is difficult, isn’t it? Now think of your child, a much smaller and fragile being.

Think about how difficult it can be for your child to live in a place that makes them uncomfortable or demotivated. So that this is not a reality, here we show 5 tips for customizing your child’s room.

How to customize your child’s room?

There are many recommendations and tips that can guide you to accomplish this task. What is essential is that you understand that this is neither a complicated nor an expensive process. It’s just a matter of considering certain aspects relevant to converting your little one’s room into a holy temple.

Furthermore, it is important that  the bedroom is an ecosystem that encourages it in a positive way. It should be a space where you can spark your imagination and creativity. In short, it allows you to dream, to concentrate, to be fully. The big goal is to make your child feel extremely identified with the room.

1. Consider your child’s age

One of the first aspects to be considered is the child’s age. A room for a newborn baby is not the same thing, and one for a 3 or 8 year old.

Age will guide you in selecting furniture, decor, room colors, in short, practically everything! For example,  in baby rooms everything is usually a little more delicate  than in older children’s rooms.

Likewise,  larger children’s rooms tend to be more work. An 8-year-old child usually has established tastes. At that age you already know what your favorite colors and your favorite cartoon characters are. These are elements determined by the child and that are included in many of the room’s decorations.

Like age, personalization is also closely related to the child’s gender. Between boys and girls there are substantial differences when it comes to customizing the room. Far beyond the tones or images to be used, boys and girls relate to spaces differently.

2. Use proper colors

The theme of colors is one of the essentials when decorating a child’s room. Mainly because the shades generate certain sensations. Likewise, they influence people’s behavior and moods. Each tone has a different effect on people, so it is worth considering.

Pastel colors, for example, such as pink or sky blue convey relaxation, calm and delicacy. Therefore, they are generally indicated for baby rooms. In fact, they are the most used places. White is also among the most common shades for painting a newborn’s room, as it conveys purity. In summary, it is important to consider the influence of colors.

Other shades such as electric blue, green or lilac are also used, especially for older children. These colors, even though they are stronger, are very pleasing.

On the opposite side,  there are shades that are contraindicated for a nursery. Red, gray or black are the most classic examples. The same happens with bright colors, such as yellow, as they generate hyperactivity and aggressiveness.

3. Choose safe furniture

Furniture is another element very present in the rooms  in general. In the case of children’s rooms, it is essential that the furniture is secure and matched. Therefore, avoid furniture that is too large or made of unsafe materials such as glass.

Also, try to make sure the child’s room doesn’t have a lot of furniture or shelves. Include essentials such as a crib or bed, a closet, and a nightstand. Choosing furniture is a crucial step in customizing your child’s room,  especially when the theme is security.

Remember that  the little one is at a stage where he is not aware of many issues around him. Therefore, you can suffer falls and bumps with ease. With this, it is good to make the room safe and free from furniture that could pose a risk.

4. Be encouraged to customize your child’s room by including good lighting

Room lighting should also be considered. It should be a place where there is plenty of natural light. Therefore, avoid very closed or very dark spaces. In case the room does not have much light, do your best to light it in the best way possible. This will be very useful to be able to visualize every corner of the place. In addition, it will facilitate the placement of decorative elements.

Many children are also afraid of dark places. If your child is part of this group, he or she will appreciate adequate lighting. Mainly because that way you can have a clear view of the entire space. This way, you can move more naturally, and thus avoid accidents.

5. Add games and toys

Games and toys are closely linked to childhood. Therefore, it is recommended that you include many of these elements when customizing your child’s room. The little one will believe that he is in a fun, dynamic and happy environment.

Toys vary from child to child. The biggest ones always have great  participation when selecting the ones they want. It is vital that you hear their opinion on this point.

Boys usually pick their favorite action figures, while girls pick their favorite dolls. If you wish, you can suggest some toys. However, if the child is at the age at which he can decide, so much the better for both.

In the case of babies and newborns,  the decision about games and toys will rest with the parents. In these rooms, toys rather than games predominate, as they are very young children. Therefore, it is common to opt for plush or hanging toys.


It is possible to choose a theme and, depending on it, customize the entire room. We also suggest spending a little time on the bedroom walls. Don’t just paint them evenly. Try experimenting and creating original figures and shapes.

Creating small mini-environments within the bedroom can also be helpful. Children like different spaces. For this, you can decorate in such a way that the child feels that he is in many places.

The main idea is to customize the place so that your child feels comfortable. Take these additional tips we shared above into account and create a dream room.

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