52 Trick Questions You Won’t Be Able To Answer

Exercise your mind with our trick questions. Read them twice before giving your answer, as they are not always what you think.
52 tricky questions you won't be able to answer

Leading questions are ones whose words are crafted in a way that encourages you to give an automatic answer that is usually wrong. These are questions with fallacious, misleading or at least confusing premises. They can be used to exercise your mind, test your cognitive acuity, or have fun with family and friends.

We’ve compiled the best trick questions you’ll find on the Internet. We advise you to read each one twice before answering and always be wary of the apparently obvious answer. For some, you need knowledge of the general culture, but for others you just need to apply common sense.

The best trick questions you won’t be able to answer

The trick questions we collect are of medium difficulty. It will be difficult for you to answer some, but not so much that you decide to quit the game.

1. How many books can you put in an empty backpack?

Only one, because after that the backpack will no longer be empty. This is the best example that to answer a trick question you will need to read it twice.

2. Which weighs more: 100 kilos of stones or 100 kilos of feathers?

100 kilos of stone is equivalent to 100 kilos of feathers, that is, 100 kilos.

3. Before the discovery of Mount Everest, what was the highest mountain in the world?

Mount Everest. Even if it hadn’t been discovered, no mountain on the planet would be taller than it. As a curiosity, remember that this is the highest mountain above sea level. There are several that exceed its size, as long as the base is taken as a reference (they are often hidden under the sea).

4. How can you drop a raw egg onto the concrete floor without breaking it?

As the concrete floor needs a greater amount of force to break, this is highly unlikely to happen if you throw an egg on it. Ambivalence and confusion characterize trick questions.

Broken eggs.

5. If you were running a marathon and you passed second place, what position would you be in now?

In second place. Just before passing second place, you would be third. By doing this, you would move into his position. Better speed up if you want to get to first place!

6. How many seconds are there in a year?

It’s 12. January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd…

7. Which month is 28 days old?

All. If you think about it, every month of the year is at least 28 days old. If the question was “which month is only 28 days old?” , then you could answer February, except in leap years.

8. Can you name three consecutive days without mentioning Wednesday, Friday and Sunday?

Yesterday, today and Tomorrow. Easy, right?

9. How can a person go 100 days without sleep?

Sleeping through the night, like most humans.

10. Why can’t you take a picture of a person with a wooden leg?

Because wooden legs are not good for taking pictures. You would need a camera.

11. How many letters does the alphabet have?

The term the  alphabet has 9 letters.

12. Imagine that you are falling into a pit full of poisonous snakes. What would you do to survive?

Stop imagining.

13. Why is it illegal to bury a man who lives in Spain in China?

Because burying a person alive is considered a crime.

14. Which of all the words in the dictionary is always misspelled?


15. Which side of the chicken do you find the most feathers on?


16. What is round and extremely violent?

A vicious circle.

17. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?

Just once. For the second, you will have subtracted 10 from 90, then 10 from 80, and so on until the end. If you were able to answer this one, then you are catching up with our trick questions.

18. Mary’s father had four children. He called the first “January”, the second “February” and the third “March”. What did you name the room?

Maria, as the question told you at the beginning.

19. What gets bigger and bigger as you take something out of it?

A hole you dig in the ground.

20. What color are the black boxes on airplanes?

Although their name might suggest it, they are actually orange. This makes it easier to identify them after an accident. This is one of the main questions in our selection that requires a little general knowledge.

tricky questions about life

21. What is the longest day of the week?

Monday. At 9 letters, this is the longest day of the entire week.

22. What does it take for you to light a candle?

You can certainly do this with a lighter or some matches, although the most important condition is that it is out.

23. What is necessary for 5 people not to get wet in the rain?

Stop raining.

24. Why do lions drink more water in March than in February?

Come on, you don’t need biology knowledge for that. They drink more water in March because February has fewer days.

25. What time is it when two girls arrive at a hotel to rent a room?

A room for two.

26. How do passengers get off a plane if it loses its engines at 10,000 meters?

For the news.

27. How is a stove similar to an airplane?

Both need a driver to work in perfect conditions.

28. What happened in Germany on August 7, 1973 between 9 and 10 pm?

One hour.

29. How many buttons must a shirt have to be considered elegant?

Rules of etiquette aside, at least the same number of buttons and holes.

30. Which animal is written with the last letter of the alphabet at the beginning and the first letter at the end?

Zebra . Because of your dynamism, you can use this trick question for children and thus enhance their cognition.

31. What can have a face without a body?

There are several possible answers, although in this case it is none other than a coin.

32. Two soldiers go to war; one for Africa and one for Israel. How to call the soldiers?

By phone.

33. What does a man do running fast in college?

Search for a university degree.

34. What year in the 20th century doesn’t change if we turn the numbers around?


35. He has cat ears, but he’s not a cat. It has a cat’s tail, but it’s not a cat. He has cat eyes, but he is not a cat. So what is it?

A cat.

36. What is the animal that always walks with its legs on its head?

Head lice.

37. What always comes but never comes?

Tomorrow. Now that we are on this concept, we invite you to read phrases about the weather.

38. What thing has an eye but cannot see?

A needle.

39. What can’t we eat before breakfast?

Lunch and dinner. This is the best example that trick questions often contain obvious answers.

Woman at breakfast.

40. What is so delicate that, just by mentioning it, it breaks into a thousand pieces?

The silence.

41. What gets wet while it dries?

A towel.

42. Who always goes to bed wearing shoes?

The horse.

43. What is it that belongs to you, but does everyone use it more than you?

Your own name.

44. Why are all math books sad?

Because they have a lot of problems.

45. What is it that always goes up but never goes down?


46. ​​How can you lift an elephant with one hand?

Since one-handed elephants don’t exist, you cannot lift them.

47. What happens once every minute and twice every moment?

The letter M.

48. What is as big as an elephant but doesn’t weigh anything?

The shadow of an elephant.

49. Which animal jumps when it walks and sits when it’s standing?


50. What is the tree you can carry in your hand?

The palm. (palm trees)

51. What is it that you can’t see but is always in front of you?

The future.

52. What happens when you throw a white hat into the Black Sea?

The hat gets wet.

travel alone

Some answers to our tricky questions will make you laugh and others will infuriate you because of their simplicity. Be sure to do this type of activity, whether alone or in company. You exercise your mind, have fun and spend your time in a pleasant way.

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