7 Foods That Increase Uric Acid

To control uric acid it is necessary to have a specific diet, especially avoiding foods responsible for its increase. We count what we should eat in moderation to control it and maintain well-being.
7 Foods That Increase Uric Acid

If uric acid is found in high values ​​in the blood, it would result in arthritis or gout. When it accumulates in the fluid present in the joints, it causes inflammation and pain,  mainly affecting the toes and ankles.

Some foods contain a lot of purines that increase uric acid levels in the blood. Therefore, performing blood checks and having a balanced diet is the way to prevent this problem.

Foods That Increase Uric Acid Levels

1 Seafood

Shellfish increase uric acid

They are foods rich in purines, so they should be moderate in the diet, if you have high uric acid, among this group stand out: crabs, oysters, clams, mussels.

These products should not be consumed fresh or canned, the smoked ones also favor the increase of uric acid in the blood.

Visit this article: How to reduce uric acid buildup by including 7 fruits in the diet

2 red meat

It is one of the foods that most contributes to the increase of acid. If you already have high levels, you should avoid it completely. Pork and calf meat also have a high percentage of purines. Those that are very fatty and viscera, meat extract, ground beef, kidneys.

3 Vegetables

Lentils, chickpeas and beans stand out for their high concentration of purines, which is why people with a high content should limit their intake, or only to once or twice a week.

4 vegetables

Some vegetables should be eaten in moderation, if you have high uric acid try to eat a few asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower, spinach, radish and leeks.

5 alcoholic drinks

Alcoholic beverages increase uric acid

Beer is more harmful to people with high uric acid than seafood and meat. This is due to the fact that it increases the production of its levels in the body and makes its elimination more difficult. Experts recommend avoiding beer if you suffer from gout.

6 Sugary drinks and sweet confectionery

Commercial soft drinks and fruit juices that have corn syrup will stimulate uric acid production. Also sweet biscuits, sweets and industrial confectionery loaded with sugar intensify the problem.

7 Coffee

Coffee is a food that increases uric acid

If taken in excess it can be harmful, the most beneficial is to take one or two cups daily, at the most.

High uric acid symptoms

When the level is too high, gout and kidney stones appear. The most common symptoms are:

  • Big toe pain.
  • Severe pain and inflammation in the joints.
  • Difficulties to urinate.
  • Tachycardias.
  • Pain in the knees.
  • Kidney stones.
  • Fatigue.
  • Hard nodules may appear in the joints.

A doctor must perform the diagnosis to see if the problem exists,  and to prescribe treatment that should include dietary changes.

Want to know more? Read: The 5 Best Infusions to Lower Uric Acid

Treatments for uric acid

  • The pain is quite uncomfortable, but there are measures that can alleviate the problem, such as applying cold compresses to painful joints.
  • The doctor can prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, if you find it convenient, they are of great relief.
  • May recommend low dose drugs at the beginning, which may increase over time, always recommended by the doctor.
  • Treatment time can vary between 6 and 12 months.
  • During this period, you should take care of your diet and perform physical exercise of light to moderate intensity, but regularly.

An example of a diet to reduce uric acid

The diet must have a concentration of proteins that must come from dairy and eggs. If you can, include the rabbit, it’s the meat with the lowest fat content with a low concentration of purines and cholesterol.


  • 1 cup skimmed milk.
  • 2 slices of whole grain bread.

Morning snack

  • 1 banana.


  • Gnocchi with natural tomato sauce.
  • Grilled croaker.
  • 1 parsnip.

Afternoon snack.

  • Watermelon slice.


  • Breaded eggplant baked.
  • Tomato, carrot and basil salad.

It’s an idea to be considered. Proteins, vegetables, fruits and cereals must be balanced. With low fat content and in proportion.

This will also recommend a proper diet if your levels are above normal.

Take care, your health is the most important treasure! No one else can do it than you.

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