7 Homemade And Natural Scrubs To Eliminate Blackheads

Before applying these natural exfoliants, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. Otherwise, we run the risk of an adverse reaction: dryness, irritation, redness, etc.
7 homemade and natural exfoliants to eliminate blackheads

To eliminate blackheads. there are several commercial exfoliants made with proper substances to clean and care for different types of skin. The great advantage is that its microparticles do not damage the epidermis.

Of course, you can also opt for homemade scrubs that are made with ingredients like oatmeal, chickpea flour and honey. Do you want to know some options? Keep reading!

What are blackheads?

Blackheads are a cosmetic problem that arises as a result of the clogged pores of the skin. This blockage is caused by the oxidation of cells.

The production of sebum and melanin, especially in the nose and chin area, blocks the pores open. This prevents the drainage of the sebaceous gland, which becomes dirty and takes on the characteristic black color.

One of the most common causes of its appearance is the inappropriate use of cleaning and facial care products, as well as the use of makeup for long periods. However, factors such as hormonal changes and diet must also be taken into account.

As not everyone has the same skin type, it is important to keep in mind that in  order to get rid of blackheads, it is best to consult a dermatologist and follow their treatment indications. It is not advisable to try home remedies as they can generate adverse reactions.

Home scrubs to eliminate blackheads

It is often claimed that a gentle exfoliation from time to time can help to have cleaner, healthier skin. Therefore, for people with a tendency to have open pores, there are homemade preparations, like the ones we will comment below.

It is important to clarify that with just an exfoliation we will not obtain the desired results. This practice must be included in a complete skin care routine for true benefits to be enjoyed.

1. Sea salt

After a facial cleanse, sea salt is a natural exfoliant that can be used – sparingly and occasionally – to eliminate blackheads. And, given the antiseptic properties attributed to it, it can be even more effective.

According to popular wisdom, sea salt scrub is best suited for oily, combination, or acne-prone skin. However, people who have more sensitive or very dry or mature skin should avoid its use.

2. Sugar

Sugar is a slightly milder option than sea salt and, according to popular belief, can be used on all skin types. Therefore, if you have very delicate skin, we recommend combining a little sugar with a vegetable oil (coconut, almonds, olive, etc.).

  • Thanks to sugar, it will be easy to remove the layer of dead cells. And thanks to the oil, the skin will be deeply nourished and hydrated, but without becoming oily.
  • Therefore, by using the oil scrub, we are able to clear blackheads while deeply nourishing the skin.

3. Coffee grounds

According to folk wisdom, people with oily skin can mix the coffee grounds with some cream (or vegetable oil, depending on preference) to use as a homemade scrub.

4. Chickpea Flour

Another commonly used product that can be used to remove blackheads is chickpea flour, which has a texture similar to oatmeal. Its particles are known to be much less harsh than those of sugar,  so it is considered suitable for combination skin.

5. Oats

Oatmeal is the most suitable exfoliant to remove blackheads when the skin is very sensitive or delicate.

  • Thanks to its mucilage content, this cereal creates a protective and moisturizing layer on the skin, protecting it from any external agents.
  • Also, the roughness of the oats is quite smooth, so we don’t run the risk of irritating the skin.
  • To use oatmeal as an exfoliant, we will have to grind it and mix it with water. We will obtain a paste that, in addition to cleaning the skin, can also be used as a mask, leaving it for 15 minutes.

6. Tomato

These last two natural scrubs we’ll introduce – tomato and pineapple – don’t work because of their gritty texture, but because of their enzyme content. These bring about a quick and effective cleansing of the skin. It may be the choice of people who have few blackheads on their skin.

According to popular wisdom, tomatoes are the mildest of the enzymatic scrubs. We just need to rub a slice into our face and wait a few minutes for it to dry. Then wash with plenty of water.

7. Pineapple

According to beliefs, pineapple works similarly to tomatoes. After placing it on the skin, the exfoliation time on the face should not exceed 5 minutes. The result will be very clean and smooth skin, with fewer blackheads.

Final considerations

  • Use oil-free products or those that your dermatologist prescribes.
  • Although foods have not been shown to directly affect blackhead formation, they are thought to have some influence. Therefore, it is recommended that you maintain a healthy diet.
    • Diets high in sugar, fat and dairy are not convenient.
  • Try to go to a beauty center to do a good cleaning at least once a month. 
  • Avoid cleaning at home, but if you do, try to follow the professionals’ recommendations.

Use homemade scrubs with care

Both when preparing and applying homemade scrubs, it is important to be careful. For example, if you use sugar and salt, it is best to use a very small amount of these ingredients, as their particles can cause micro-damage to the skin, dry it out excessively and worsen acne.

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