7 Tips To Prevent Osteoarthritis

Since osteoarthritis can cause serious problems for our health, it is advisable to take measures to prevent its appearance or, at the very least, delay it as much as possible.
7 tips to prevent osteoarthritis

Do you want to prevent osteoarthritis, also known as osteoarthritis? This is a disease of the bone system that affects both men and women and is more common in the elderly. It is caused by degeneration of cartilage and adjacent bone.

Cartilage degeneration usually manifests itself between the ages of 50 and 55, a time when it can present with more striking characteristics.

  • Cartilage is made up of collagen and  its basic function is that the bones don’t rub against each other.
  • When this tissue disappears or degenerates, it starts to cause pain due to friction. This is the main cause of joint inflammation and deformity.

If this disease becomes a chronic condition, it can damage the patient’s mobility, so it must be treated in time. In this sense,  we should not diminish the importance of joint pain.  Prevention is always better than cure.

How do I know if I have osteoarthritis?

Although in young people it is more difficult to identify, in most cases  the symptoms of osteoarthritis start to occur in some particular joints,  which we should pay attention to:

  • hands and fingers
  • lumbar area
  • hips
  • knees
  • Elbows

Tips to prevent osteoarthritis

1. Consume calcium

Calcium consumption is critical to the health of our bones.  Therefore, we must keep this in mind in our daily diet.

In addition to helping us prevent osteoarthritis, it can also prevent or delay the onset of other degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis. This is very recurrent in women. The possibility of including a supplement should be considered. Talk to an expert to find out more.

2. Maintain a diet rich in vegetables

We must have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. These provide many vitamins and minerals, both to the bones and to the body in general, helping to prevent osteoarthritis.

Among the foods richer in vitamin C we find:

  • Citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, tangerine)
  • Strawberry
  • Celery
  • Carrot
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli

3. Lose weight

Obesity is also a health problem that is very present today, and is another cause of this condition.

Excess weight can put a lot of pressure on the knees, which serve as support for the body, and cause damage to the articular cartilage.

4. Work out

Daily exercise is a way to avoid these types of illnesses, as long as they are practiced correctly. In the case of exercising in the gym,  we must maintain a very good posture so as not to affect the bones and, therefore, the cartilage.

Also, we must keep in mind that when we run, we must be very aware of the steps and calculate distances according to our weight. Among the recommended exercises are:

  • Pilates
  • Yoga
  • Stretching
  • Swimming
women riding bicycles

5. Have good posture

For those of us who work all day while sitting, posture must remain correct. We have to choose ergonomic chairs that correct the way we sit.

It is recommended to take active breaks every one hour or fifty minutes,  and do stretching exercises to continue the work. When we have bad posture, for reasons of work or practice of some sport or physical exercise, we favor osteoarthritis.

6. See the doctor

When you notice any symptoms of pain, it is advisable to see a specialist doctor. It will detect whether the disease exists, and can also specify the degree to which it is. In addition, you will know what treatment to take to alleviate the condition. So, we must continue making periodic visits to monitor the progression of the disease.

If you have ever suffered a fracture or trauma that has not healed properly, osteoarthritis can appear due to poor recovery that directly affects the cartilage.

7. Nourish the cartilage

Currently there are nutritional supplements that help us to nourish our bodies. In this case, we recommend glucosamine, hydrolyzed collagen and hyaluronic acid. In this way, we will be feeding and nourishing the cartilage that cover the bones of our body.

In this article we offer some tips, but what is important for good health is to lead a healthy life, with good nutrition and good habits. We must keep in mind that, in case of any symptoms, we must consult our trusted physician to follow the proper treatment.

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