8 Things You Should Never Leave In The Bathroom

Although we believe that the most practical way to store some objects is to keep them in the bathroom, the truth is that they can accumulate dangerous bacteria in this environment.
8 things you should never leave in the bathroom

The bathroom is often the center of the morning routine. Perhaps you believe that your cleaning habits are exceptional and that this room is perfectly clean and disinfected in your home.

While you may be right, it’s important to remember that  this environment contains some harmful bacteria and toxins.

Perhaps from a young age you have made a habit of leaving your toothbrush in this room because it seems to be the most practical decision. But it’s not a good idea for your health.

We will talk here about 8 objects that we should never leave in the bathroom. Find out below!

Objects that should not be stored in the bathroom

1. Toothbrush

If there’s one thing everyone leaves in the bathroom, it’s their toothbrush. We know it’s simpler to go in and just pick it up and use it there. But there are risks, especially if you share a bathroom.

Researchers at the University of Quinnipiac (Connecticut, United States) found fecal material in 60% of toothbrushes stored in shared bathrooms, regardless of how they were stored.

This means that even if you keep good habits, in the end you  will be promoting the growth of bacteria on this object.

Also, you mustn’t forget that the bathroom is a very humid area. This prevents your toothbrush from drying properly between use.

Our recommendation is that you store it in your bedroom or in an area of ​​the house that is drier.

To avoid getting dirty, you can purchase a toothbrush case. There are some that are complete and others that only cover the region where the bristles are.

2. Medicines

in the bathroom

The heat and humidity of the bathroom make medications less effective. In some cases, they may lose their properties before the expiration date shown on the box.

To store your medications remember:

  • Choose places that are cool and dry. Any drawer in your bedroom is a good idea. On the other hand, in the kitchen we find the same problems as in the bathroom.
  • Keep your medications in the original box. This will not only allow you to clearly identify the medicine and take the corresponding pills in each case, but also you will be able to consult the expiry date and will prevent them from being damaged or broken.
  • Leave your medications  in a place where they are not easily accessible for children and pets.

3. Razor blades

The wet environment can cause the metal blade to oxidize,  even before you use it.

The only time you can leave them in the bathroom is when they are still sealed in the package.

This advice is also valid for scissors and all products that contain metal and can easily oxidize.

4. Makeup

Keeping your makeup in the bathroom can be an inconvenience. It won’t last long as the products will expire before their time.

The heat and humidity gradually degrade eyeshadows, blushes , lipsticks and foundations. Also, some bacteria can settle on these products very easily.

The best thing you can do is keep them in a cool, dry place in your room. One of the beauty tricks is to keep nail polishes in the fridge: this will prevent them from drying out and getting too thick.

5. Perfumes

Your favorite fragrance can smell stale if you keep it in the bathroom too long. High temperatures and water vapor cause the aromas to change.

The advice is to keep these products in the bedroom in a drawer or in a place where the temperature is relatively constant.

6. Condoms

Do you have a closet in a bathroom that looks very discreet and the perfect place to store condoms? Well, using this space to do this is a mistake. The correct place would be on a nightstand.

Exposure to heat and moisture can damage them over time,  thus decreasing their percentage of effectiveness.

7. Jewels

Like razor blades, your favorite jewelry and jewelry can be affected by moisture in the air.

Those objects that are not original and that are plated in metal or other material can start to oxidize. Silver, in turn, warps faster.

Ideally, you have special boxes for your jewelry. They are usually well closed and, on the inside, have sections protected with suede fabrics.

Their function is to ensure that dust does not enter and that the jewelry is kept in good condition at all times.

8. Combs and brushes

in the bathroom

Combs and hairbrushes that are kept in the bathroom are also prone to accumulate germs.  Even if they are kept in drawers, this will not be enough if they are in a humid environment.

Moisture in the air helps bacteria to thrive and can even cause mold to form on brushes. Keeping them in your bedroom is ideal.

As you can see, storing certain things in the bathroom is not the most appropriate. If you have questions about something we haven’t mentioned, always think about whether there might be a problem related to the development of germs and bacteria.

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