7 Tips For Being A Super Mom

A “super mom”, more than a mom who can with all the family and work responsibilities, is a conscientious mom who recognizes that it’s healthy to delegate some things to the rest of the members so that everything works.
7 tips for being a super mom

Is it possible to be a super mom? Faced with the demands that women impose on themselves to feel full and fulfilled, motherhood can become one more burden. For many, achieving it can be a real challenge.

Being a super mom doesn’t mean taking care of everything. Having a tidy home, taking care of and raising the kids, doing formal work, having a partner and feeling beautiful and healthy…maybe that sounds like a lot for one human being, but that seems to be the goal. Have we gone crazy?

Advice for being a super mom

The basic key to being a super mom is to  avoid agonizing over perfection, it just doesn’t exist. Based on this fundamental premise, we leave seven pieces of advice that we consider essential for you to successfully and happily move through a more conscious motherhood.

1. love and forgive

super mother with son

The love that one has for the family is proclaimed and demonstrated. Children always want to hear from their parents a “I love you”, so they will never be excessive when they hear it. But it is also necessary to demonstrate.

Like? Taking time to play with them, to study together, to share as a family, being firm with the limits they need to grow up healthy and offering them the fluid and timely communication they require.

Forgiveness must also be part of the family dynamic.  Mistakes are often made, even if you can hurt the person who is considered the most loved. Asking for forgiveness and forgiving in order to grow as human beings is part of conscious motherhood.

2. Prioritize what’s important

Organize your schedule and take care of what cannot be postponed because of what is inevitable. If you have a job to finish and you already know when your children leave school, take the time to be productive and fulfill your job responsibilities.

There are technological resources that can help you organize your commitments as a woman. Simply prioritize the most urgent and remember what should not be forgotten. You can save bank visits with electronic transactions, and you can organize your email so that it answers the most important ones first.

3. Organize household chores

Daughter with her super mother planting

Homework should be a shared responsibility for all family members. Everyone can take on tasks depending on their age, strength and abilities. Everyone can get together to organize a household chores calendar.

An obsession with order and cleanliness is not healthy, but neither is clutter and dirt. If you delegate tasks to all the members, together they can achieve the clean, organized environment that a house needs. Be careful not to be a mother who supports machismo. Let the father collaborate with the household chores too.

Likewise,  children and adolescents may have different responsibilities depending on their age.

4. Share your time

Among the many activities that everyone performs at home,  there should be space to share with the family. At least one meal a day should be eaten together, with the television and cell phones turned off. Family meals favor the physical and emotional health of children and adolescents.

In this organization you  should include time for each child, for your partner and, of course, for yourself. And what you don’t get today, will be for tomorrow, but leaving it for tomorrow doesn’t mean forgetting.

5. Laugh and cry

super mom working with son

In family life there are good and not so good emotions. A super mom enjoys family company and shares the joy of being together. Smiles after a hard day at work; but at the same time, she shares her tears with her partner and children in adverse circumstances that might overwhelm her.

Sharing emotions, feeling them, regulating them and acting accordingly is part of the learning that a super mother gives her children. More than theorizing about it,  children see daily in the example their mother sets.

6. Recognize the father

A super mother recognizes and values ​​the man who helped her give life to her children. Share with your partner from homework to raising children.

If the partner is separated, it does not mean that the children are separated from the father. Even in cases where the father is absent and does not fulfill his responsibilities, the super mother avoids instilling resentment or hatred in her children. Couple problems don’t have to damage relationships with your children.

7. take care of yourself

girl making up her super mother

You must take care of your children, but also of yourself. To be a super mom and meet the demands of growing children you have to be in good physical, mental and emotional shape. Good nutrition and exercise are essential.

Also,  if you want your children to eat healthily and exercise from an early age, the best way for them to learn how to do this is with your example. 

If you feel overwhelmed with your family responsibilities or don’t know how to handle any of the difficult situations that this entails (for example, your children’s teenage years), be sure to seek professional help.

That’s because  your children’s well-being depends on their mental and emotional balance.

Final reflection for every super mom

Being a super mom doesn’t mean being “super powerful”. The essential thing in conscious motherhood is to accept and recognize that you need support and help,  that you need to delegate. In that acceptance and recognition is your strength to raise your children.

This is especially important for those mothers who are willing to face raising their children alone. There will always be a helping hand, a grandmother, a brother or sister who can provide the support you need  so that raising your child without a father does not turn into bitterness for you or your child.

Your children need your care and guidance to grow. A super mom loves, supports, nurtures, understands and, in due course,  lets her children take charge of their destiny  and live by their own decisions.

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