5 Tips To Avoid Fluid Retention

Carbohydrates are also great allies to avoid fluid retention: just choose the most suitable for your purpose.

Fluid retention is a nightmare for anyone trying to get in shape, as it prevents fat burning and increases our volume.

Also, when the problem is very acute, it impedes our rest or activities as simple as watching a movie on the couch, as we begin to feel spasms and tingling.

We have to  vary our lifestyle habits to eliminate or improve this issue,  but why does it occur in the first place?

Fluids reach the blood or lymph vessels and from there must be eliminated. However, sometimes an excess of liquid is produced that the vessels cannot handle.

Another reason is that even though the amount of fluid is correct, sometimes the vessels cannot get rid of it. The origin of this anomaly can be, for example, poor circulation, obesity, kidney failure, etc.

Therefore, it is good that you consult a doctor and take your doubts, as something more serious can be hidden behind the imbalance.

However,  the most common is that it is a light issue,  which may be related to:

  • Maintain a certain posture for a long time.
  • Temperature changes.
  • Hormonal cycles in ovulation.
  • Lack of physical exercise.
  • Some medications.
  • Excessive consumption of salt.

In any case, we can always do something to alleviate fluid retention in a simple and minimally invasive way. So, check out some suggestions in this article.

5 tips to avoid fluid retention

1. Walk 45 minutes a day

This is a slightly fast-paced tour that will undoubtedly improve the quality of your life.

When walking,  the muscles are activated, and with them the blood circulation begins to flow more agilely and without effort.

In this way,  the liquids will be distributed more evenly. On the other hand, the sweat generated expels a part of them, so it speeds up the work of our body.

 2. Drink 8 glasses of water a day

Many people stop drinking water to avoid fluid retention. This is a mistake, because this substance is necessary for your body to function properly,  as well as to eliminate what we don’t need.

Thus, it is those people who suffer from this problem who most need to drink water. It’s true that sometimes it’s very difficult to do this because many people don’t like water.

If this is your case,  we suggest you try the infusions. They are very diuretic, cause internal heat and have ideal properties for our good health.

3. Select carbohydrates

When we start a diet to lose weight the first thing we think is that we have to give up carbohydrates. However, they provide the energy we need to work and think.

After all, there are some that are better than others. The ideal is to  eat whole grains in small amounts. In this sense, we recommend trying buckwheat or spelled.

4. Consume diuretic fruits

Green juices against water retention

Fruits are also controversial foods in some cases. Since they contain sugar, some people do not keep them regularly in their diet.

With this, the same thing happens as in the previous case: there are adequate and unsuitable fruits to prevent fluid retention.

The most suitable for this purpose are:

  • Kiwi
  • Apple
  • Lemon
  • strawberries
  • Pineapple
  • Melon

You can eat them directly or make juices.

5. Eat foods rich in vitamin B6

This vitamin  is dissolved in the liquid, which facilitates its expulsion.

The most effective are:

  • Legumes
  • The liver
  • Whole grain cereals
  • the sole

In general, all the B group vitamins are ideal for our claim, but this one is the most effective. You can prepare dishes with vegetables that stand out for their diuretic value, such as:

  • The onion
  • the zucchini
  • The carrot
  • the celery

With these simple tips you can fight against fluid retention economically and with products you can buy anywhere.

If you suffer from stress, it is most effective to plan your meals every week. That way, you’ll just have to cook them without having to rack your brain every time.

It’s a strategy that more and more people are adding to their lives, as eating healthy and maintaining a busy life sometimes seems impossible.

Were the tips helpful to you? So, read the next articles with more suggestions for your health and well-being.

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