Ketogenic Foods To Lose Weight

A ketogenic diet can help you lose weight quickly and improve certain health conditions. Learn about ketogenic foods to include in this very low carbohydrate diet.
Ketogenic foods to lose weight

A ketogenic diet (or keto diet ) can help you lose weight quickly and improve certain health conditions such as fatigue, diabetes, and some risk factors for metabolic syndrome. This diet is based on eating foods that contain very low amounts of carbohydrates.

Thus, in the absence of sugar from food, the body begins to break down fat stored in adipocytes, producing ketone bodies as a metabolite. This process is called ketosis. Basically, the ketogenic diet consists of eating less than 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Ketogenic foods

To enjoy the benefits of a ketogenic diet, you don’t need to make radical changes to your diet. Simply, you must consume the following ketogenic foods regularly.

1. Meat

Meat, one of the ketogenic foods to lose weight
One of the foods that can raise blood pressure is meat. While its moderate consumption is not a problem, too much is harmful.

Unprocessed meats are low in carbohydrates and are one of the basic ingredients of the ketogenic diet.

  • Fresh meat has B vitamins, minerals (such as potassium and zinc), creatine, taurine, carnosine.
  • In addition, meat is an excellent source of selenium that has a powerful antioxidant function, according to research published in the journal Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine. The consumption of this mineral is linked to the reduction of inflammatory diseases.

Keep in mind that processed meats such as sausages, canned goods, and meatballs often contain added carbohydrates.

Try to include a cut of meat in your diet at least once a day. To maintain its properties as a ketogenic food remember to cook it with the minimum amount of oil and accompanied by a portion of vegetables.

See this article: Calcium-rich non-dairy foods

2 eggs

The second of the ketogenic foods is the egg. A large egg contains less than 1 gram of carbohydrates and less than 6 grams of protein, which makes it a perfectly healthy food for a ketogenic diet.

  • Despite its bad reputation, consuming egg yolk can be highly beneficial, as it contains some vitamins (A, B9, B12, D, E and K) and essential minerals such as iron.
  • In addition, egg consumption can alleviate the symptoms of metabolic syndrome by improving insulin resistance.

It is necessary to remember that eggs are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D in its composition, an essential nutrient to ensure the proper functioning of bone metabolism. This is stated in a review published in the journal Histochemistry and Cell Biology .

3. Olives

Olive, one of the ketogenic foods to lose weight
Olive pits have no nutritional value.

Olives are another ketogenic food, as they only have 0.2 grams of carbohydrate per unit. In addition, the carbohydrates found in olives are in the form of fiber.

Olives provide vitamin E, iron, copper and calcium and antioxidants that can help reduce oxidation damage in the body and fight infections. For this reason, olives help to regulate cholesterol and reduce blood pressure when consumed in a healthy diet.

4. Garlic

A clove of garlic contains only 0.99 grams of carbohydrates.

Garlic, and other vegetables in the Allium family , contain allicin, a plant compound that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which protects us against brain damage and disease. Its antimicrobial properties have been evidenced in a study published in the Brazilian Journal of Biology .

Garlic is also considered an excellent source of vitamin B6, as well as magnesium, selenium and vitamin C.

Whenever you can, add a little garlic to your meals. Its distinctive flavor can enhance flavors very simply without the need to add more exotic spices.

5. Dark chocolate

Chocolate is a ketogenic food

Because of the low carbohydrate content of a ketogenic diet, it’s critical to make sure you’re getting enough fiber. A 100 gram serving of dark chocolate, which contains between 70% and 85% cocoa, provides 11 grams of fiber.

  • The antioxidants and fiber found in dark chocolate can aid digestion.
  • In addition, cocoa contains flavonoids that dilate blood vessels to improve blood flow, lower blood pressure and increase good cholesterol.
  • Dark chocolate is also rich in copper, iron and magnesium.

When buying chocolate or any cocoa product, you should pay attention to the nutritional information. Choose those chocolates that do not contain added sugars and have a minimal amount of carbohydrates per serving.

6. Almonds

Almonds are another ketogenic food, as 100 grams of almonds have only 7 grams of carbohydrates.

They provide real satiety, as consuming a small portion helps curb your mid-morning appetite.

  • Almonds also provide vitamin E, copper and riboflavin. All these elements help in energy production.
  • Its consumption also provides magnesium and potassium, two important electrolytes that must be replaced in a ketogenic diet.

Although almonds are excellent to be included in this diet, it is advisable to limit the servings consumed to about 20 grams per day to avoid uncontrolled rises in glucose.

Also Read: Discover How Almonds Can Benefit Your Health

7. Avocado

Avocado has only 2 carbohydrates for every 100 grams of pulp. They are rich in healthy fats and are full of nutrients, making them one of the most beneficial ketogenic foods.

  • Avocados have fiber, copper, folic acid and potassium. They also contain important vitamins (K, E, C and B).
  • If you don’t like avocado, you can try consuming it in oil form. Although you don’t get the same amount of vitamins and minerals, its oil contains mostly monounsaturated fats.
  • This unsaturated fatty acid helps improve cholesterol levels and can be used for cooking.

Ketogenic foods, a good option to include in the diet

You can use the above ketogenic foods as a guide to help you create your own diet plan, tailored to your tastes and needs. Remember to follow the keto diet with large amounts of water.

As always, we recommend consulting a nutritionist to ensure you get all the nutrients your body needs.

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