8 Egg Beauty Treatments For Your Skin And Hair

Egg beauty treatments can be a great ally to make your skin and hair more beautiful. Do you want to know how? So stay with us.

It can be a villain for cholesterol, however, there are egg beauty treatments that will surprise you.

do you want to meet them? So be sure to read this article.

And it is precisely because of their high protein content that egg whites and yolks are beneficial in repairing the body’s tissues. In addition, they are a source of lutein, a compound that helps to keep the skin hydrated and elastic and, consequently, younger.

1. Face Tonic

Egg beauty treatments for the face

Egg white concentrates properties that help to tone and lighten the skin on the face, because they eliminate impurities that accumulate in the pores. That’s why natural treatments that use white are known as ” home facelifts ” as they make the skin on your face look tighter.

And the best part: the results are lasting, as long as you carry out the treatment regularly and in partnership with other healthy habits.

How to make?
– Too easy. First, beat the egg whites with the help of an electric mixer and apply it with a cotton wool or brush all over the face, avoiding the eye contour. If you prefer, you can add a tablespoon of cornstarch to the egg whites to maximize the results.

— Leave on for 20 minutes (or after drying on the skin) and then rinse with warm water.

2. Helps to reduce bags under the eyes

Swollen eyes can change your look, but you can lessen their effects by applying clear to eliminate swelling (swelling) in the area. Simply apply a thin layer of pure white to the bags under your eyes, let it act for ten minutes and finally rinse.

3. Astringent mask for oily skin

Egg Beauty Treatments for Oily Skin

Among the beauty treatments with egg are the masks. So be sure to try these amazing recipes!

Oily skin worries many women and men alike, because the unsightly effect impairs the look.

In addition, excess oil also brings other consequences, for example, clogging of pores and acne. On the other hand, it is difficult to maintain makeup if the skin has an excess of oil.

To clean the skin in depth, egg white is an excellent remedy, which also helps to regulate the skin’s natural pH and, above all, reduce oiliness.

How to do it:
— First, beat the egg whites in snow and mix it with three tablespoons of oatmeal. Apply the mixture over the entire face, neck and neck.

— Massage exfoliating, leave it for 15 minutes and rinse with ice water.

— Tip: you can finish this treatment by rubbing cucumber juice over your skin and rinsing with water at room temperature.

4. Moisturizing mask for dry skin

Masks as Egg Beauty Treatments

Egg yolk is a good treatment for people struggling with dry skin because it is a source of fatty acids and vitamins.

How to do it:
— Mix an egg yolk with a teaspoon of olive or coconut oil (natural, no fragrance. The oil needs to be extra virgin and very low in acidity).

— Apply evenly over the face and leave for 15 minutes.

5. Deep hydration for hair

Egg beauty treatments can do wonders for hair that is dull, dry and damaged by the sun or cold wind.
By mixing it with other ingredients, you can create an ideal homemade hair mask to give softness and shine to the strands. So, let’s try it out?

How to make?
— First, mix a whole egg with half a cup of plain yogurt and a tablespoon of low-acid, cold-pressed, extra virgin olive oil.

— Apply along the entire length of the strands and, soon after, cover with a cap (it doesn’t need to be thermal) and let it act for 30 minutes.

6. Pure egg beauty treatments to moisturize hair


How to make this wonderful hydration

Strain the yolks and apply them along the entire length of the strands. Protect the hair with a cap and leave for 15 minutes. After this period, rinse normally.

Repeat the procedure at least once a week for best results.

7. Control hair oils

If your hair is oily, the solution is to combine egg white (do not use yolk) with the astringent powers of aloe vera (aloe).

How to do it:
— Separate one to two sheets of aloe, depending on the length and volume of your hair.

— Remove the pulp in gel, add one or two egg whites and mix with a fork.

— Apply to the hair, including the scalp, massaging well. Protect the hair with the cap and leave it for 20 minutes.

— Rinse with cold water. You will find that your hair will be moisturized and shiny, but oil-free.

8. Hydration for dry hair

Some people suffer from hair that is too oily, others with brittle and dry hair. Learn here how to make a moisturizing hair mask that will leave your hair soft and resistant.

How to make:

  • Mix one egg with half a cup of milk and two tablespoons of natural coconut oil.
  • Apply on hair and leave for 30 minutes.

Tip: what gives the famous “egg smell” is the membrane that surrounds the yolks, so always strain them to eliminate the odor.

Be sure to try these wonderful egg beauty treatments, so you’ll improve your look with little spending and without leaving your home.

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