Honey And Garlic Medicine For Liver Care

We will split the garlic cloves in half so that their juice and properties match those of honey. Both ingredients must be organic for us to enjoy their full benefits.
Honey and garlic medicine to take care of the liver

Many consider this honey and garlic remedy effective in benefiting liver health. Plus, it’s easy to prepare. It is a natural antibiotic with a high content of antioxidants and vitamins, which will take care of your liver if it is sick or intoxicated.

Something essential to take into account when preparing this remedy is that the honey must be organic or as pure as possible. If you don’t believe that the honey you have at home is pure, it’s better not to consume it because, otherwise, it can bring more problems than benefits.

The subtle and fabulous combination of organically grown garlic and pure honey will bring you a wonderful inner balance. This would help to purify your entire organism and, at the same time, strengthen your immune system.

Just take a single spoonful of honey and garlic a day to get good results after a week. Would you like to try it on?

Benefits of garlic and honey to take care of your liver

First of all, we should never forget that liver health is essential for our life and well-being.

This means that any harmful habit, such as smoking, poor diet or sedentary lifestyle, for example, impacts this vital organ and brings us consequences.

Surely, at times you noticed that your body was bloated, without energy, that you had a bad taste in your mouth, and, furthermore, that your digestion was slow and difficult. What are these problems due to, then?

These symptoms are usually caused by a liver saturated with toxins and elements that need to be eliminated. Before resorting to medication, it is best to consult a doctor and improve your diet to take care of your liver.

  • A healthy liver favors circulation and an adequate supply of oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body. In addition, it can correctly separate nutrients from toxic substances in our body;
  • It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids to promote this internal purification;
  • The liver needs an adequate level of antioxidants and vitamin C, which allows it to regenerate tissues and optimize its functions;
  • A natural diet, free from processed foods, white flours and sugars, strengthens our liver health.

Garlic and honey are, then, two exceptional resources that will help you obtain these benefits on a daily basis. So let’s explain how they work.

Organic honey benefits your liver health

Honey and liver health

According to specialists from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), honey is a food that offers great therapeutic possibilities.  It is rich in glucose, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, meaning it is one of the most beneficial foods for the liver.

  • One of the best properties of honey is its great natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory power;
  • According to a research published by Ciência Animal Brasileira magazine, its effect against bacteria is due to a substance called inhibin , which has antimicrobial properties, resulting from the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide that is produced by the glucose oxidase system in honey;
  • The best honey to take care of your liver is rosemary. Your glucose is quickly absorbed and instantly converted to energy. Thus, it requires little workload from the liver and does not consume much glycogen to be converted into energy;
  • Honey is a natural purifier capable of strengthening the liver tissue, to regenerate it in the case of people who suffer from fatty liver.
  • According to a study published in 2017, it was shown that honey has a great antioxidant potential.

However, we repeat that honey must always be organic.

Garlic contributes to our liver health

  • Allicin , a compound present in garlic, is believed to act as a powerful antioxidant, antibiotic and fungicide, with many benefits for liver health.
  • According to FEN specialists, garlic is a source of proteins, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B6 and sulfur compounds, which would also contribute to liver health.
  • Many people have adopted the habit of consuming a raw garlic clove on an empty stomach. If you don’t like garlic breath, try this easy and delicious combination of honey and garlic;
  • In addition, garlic would also help to fight pathogens that attack the liver or to purge toxic substances that sometimes accumulate in ways dangerous to health;
  • We should highlight the function of its metabolites, amino acids and proteins, which would help to strengthen the liver, improve digestion and fight “bad” cholesterol, or LDL.

How to prepare honey and garlic medicine

You will need:

  • a glass flask
  • a head of garlic
  • Enough honey to fill the chosen bottle

How to make:

  • First, peel the garlic cloves. Separate them, peel off the skin and then cut them in half with a sharp knife. Thus, honey will absorb its therapeutic compounds;
  • Place the halved garlic cloves in the bottom of the glass jar, then slowly pour the honey over them;
  • The objective is to avoid air bubbles. Therefore, use a spoon to accommodate the honey, avoiding empty spaces in the jar;
  • Once ready, cap the bottle hermetically and wait a week. So, consume the medicine normally.

The indication is to consume a spoonful of the preparation on an empty stomach, pure or diluted in half a cup of warm water. Without a doubt, it will be very effective as a complement to a balanced diet!

If you are unsure how to maintain good liver health consult your doctor. 

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