Immediate Remedies For Constipation Attacks

To alleviate a punctual crisis of constipation, we can choose any of these remedies, but their consumption should not be extended, as they can be harmful. In addition, we will increase fiber and water consumption
Immediate Remedies for Constipation Crisis

The remedies we offer are intended for those who suffer from a constipation crisis and want to avoid the use of chemical laxatives. Thus, we can take timely and effective medicine to clean the bowel without damaging it.

Therefore, we present in this article 5 natural and quick solutions to relieve a constipation crisis quickly.

A momentary crisis of constipation

The solutions proposed here are strong and effective, but at the same time natural for the momentary constipation crisis.

However, they are not recommended as an ongoing treatment for this problem, as they can irritate the bowel and progressively worsen constipation.

These crises can occur when we have a tendency to do so and, just to illustrate, the situation worsens for several reasons, such as:

  • Stressful situations;
  • Change in food;
  • Trips;
  • Excessive fiber consumption and drinking too little water.

If constipation is chronic

Constipated woman in the bathroom.

If we suffer from chronic constipation, we can take some medication in specific situations in the face of a crisis. However, we must do a more complete treatment to solve the problem more definitively:

  • Increase consumption of fresh and cooked fruits, as well as vegetables, nuts and whole grains;
  • Avoid refined foods without fiber;
  • Drink lots of water throughout the day;
  • Exercise regularly;
  • Take supplements to improve the intestinal bacterial flora;
  • Avoid stress.

Sea water

Sea water to control constipation

Seawater has become an essential ingredient in the kitchen and, in addition, it is also a remedy for many health problems, as it is rich in all the minerals our body needs.

The healthiest way to drink it is to mix one part seawater and two and a half parts natural water in a glass.

However, if we increase the amount of seawater, we will also have an almost immediate laxative effect.

Intestinal lavage or enema

Washing or enema is an ancient remedy to treat constipation flare-ups naturally. Thus, we only need an enema kit from those sold in pharmacies and health food stores.

First, you need to lubricate the kit hose and anus with a little oil or olive oil, then insert the hose into the anus and introduce warm water (not tap water). Try to stay in a comfortable place, close to the bathroom, as you will need to get rid of the liquid after a few minutes.

It is also possible to do the procedure with an infusion of medicinal plants, for example, chamomile, depending on the problem.

However , after washing, it is always recommended to take an intestinal bacterial flora supplement to replace it.

senna infusion

This infusion is one of the best known to treat constipation. However, we cannot use it as an everyday remedy as it can cause irritation to the bowel. Therefore, it is best to take it only in a moment of crisis, when other remedies do not work.

Thus, take an infusion overnight and, if there is no effect, drink it again, only on an empty stomach.

For continuous use, the infusion of dandelion is recommended as it improves the function of the liver and, indirectly, also of the intestine.

Magnesium chloride

Magnesium chloride for constipation

Magnesium supplements help improve bowel function, among many other benefits.

Of the different types of magnesium , we highlight magnesium chloride, as it has a more laxative effect. However, the truth is that many people do not want to take magnesium chloride because of its immediate effect on the gut.

Magnesium chloride can be taken in capsules or dissolved in water if its bitter taste does not bother you. It is sold in pharmacies and stores specializing in diet products.

Kiwi, orange and linseed drink

A delicious way to relieve acute constipation is to prepare a vitamin with these three natural ingredients:

  • Kiwi: Known for its high amount of fiber and vitamin C, kiwi fruit is a fruit with a high laxative power, especially if you eat it on an empty stomach.
  • Orange: thanks to its citric acid content, it helps to regulate and clean the bowel.
  • Flaxseed: Flaxseeds are an excellent remedy to promote intestinal transit, especially if we let it soak for a few hours.

Therefore, if we blend these three ingredients and take them on an empty stomach just before breakfast, we will increase the chances of evacuation throughout the morning.

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