6 Different Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar

To relieve muscle pain that arises after doing some physical activities, we can apply a cloth with vinegar to the affected area.
6 different uses of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is widely used, especially for food preparation, but it  actually offers many benefits in different areas of our daily lives.

In addition to being very useful in preparing a wide variety of foods, vinegar can also be used in beauty products, in the garden or to treat some illnesses. Next, we’ll talk about how to get the most out of this product.

Uses of apple cider vinegar

Hair conditioner

Apple cider vinegar can act as a good conditioner for your hair.
(Photo: Carlos A. Redondo/Flickr)

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent natural hair conditioner, as well as being very economical. With this product, hair becomes softer, silkier and shiny. In a nutshell, it is possible to have really more beautiful hair using apple cider vinegar.

To apply the product, all we have to do is add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of hot water and a few drops of essential oil of our favorite fragrance in order to eliminate the smell of vinegar. The most recommended oils in this case can be mint, vanilla or lavender.

Afterwards, we mix everything very well and let it rest for 10 minutes, then it will be ready for application.

To apply, we do it just as we do with the usual conditioner, after using the shampoo. After three washes using the product it is possible to notice the difference and the positive effects.

stain remover

Apple cider vinegar can act as a stain remover

It also works as a natural stain remover, very effective for removing stains from clothes, especially sweat stains.

The procedure is very simple: apply a few drops on the spot, rub the area gently and soon we notice how the spots fade away, until there is no more left.

Muscle Soothing

After a heavy exercise routine, we may experience severe muscle pain; this type of pain can be relieved through the use of apple cider vinegar, which in turn acts as a tranquilizer.

In this way, the pain will gradually disappear from the regions where lactic acid has accumulated, this acid is released when we exercise and is responsible for the most common muscle pain.

To alleviate the pain, just moisten a cloth with apple cider vinegar and apply it to the affected area, leaving it to act for 20 minutes. After this time it will be possible to notice the improvement.

Great pain reliever for the throat

Apple cider vinegar can be a great pain reliever for the throat
(Photo: Arleco Producciones/Flickr)

Apple cider vinegar is a widely used product to relieve sore throats, and it really is effective; the taste it leaves in the mouth after the treatment may not be pleasant, but for the result, it’s worth it.

To prepare the remedy is very simple. First we heat up half a glass of water and add half a glass of apple cider vinegar, four drops of lemon and a spoon of honey. Once ready, we gargle.

This way, we will alleviate the sore throat and eliminate any microorganisms that are affecting this region.


For all people who have gardens and have problems with parasitic herbs, pests that are difficult to eradicate and that affect the growth and development of plants, apple cider vinegar is a natural and safe herbicide.

against the hiccup

Experts claim that there is no cure for hiccups, but most people, according to common sense, claim that with a good sip of apple cider vinegar, it is possible to stop the spasms that cause the hiccups. We won’t miss a thing if we try!


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