Tips For Knowing If Someone Is Lying

In many police interrogations methods are used to detect lies. To recognize liars, we need to follow the advice we’ll show you next.
Tips for knowing if someone lies

It would be great to have a portable lie detector and use it with whomever we wanted. Or even if there was a physical reaction like Pinocchio’s, that the nose grew every time a lie was told.

However, we do not have either option available. We do rely on our senses and intuitions to know if someone is lying. And, of course, with our attention. Find out how to recognize liars in the following article.

Advice for knowing if someone lies

Even though it may seem strange, lying is something very common in human beings. Even when someone lies, it may not on purpose.

Of course there are also those who do it blatantly and on these occasions it is not so easy to notice. But  to begin with, we can help by looking at the following signs  that you’re not telling the truth:

1. Many words

friends talking

People who lie often speak in a hurry and give more details than necessary  to achieve their goal of being convincing.

This “verbiage” can be accompanied by excessive gestures and phrases such as “I’m telling you the truth” or “I’m being completely honest with you right now”.

Also read: 8 lies that happy people refuse to believe

2. Micro expressions

These are those facial expressions that can be unnoticeable if we don’t pay enough attention. Appear and disappear in a second.

3. Inconsistencies

If we’re honest, we tell the same story over and over again without changing a single comma. However, when we lie we can use other phrases that are totally opposite to each other. For example, to say that it was raining and after a radiant sun came out is a sign of lying.

There may also be signs of incongruity between words and facial or body expressions. If they’re saying something sad but there’s a smile on their lips or vice versa, maybe they’re not telling the truth.

4. Touching nose and mouth

person lying to another

This is one of the most common signs when someone is lying. It is an unconscious reaction that can indicate “I cover my mouth for the lies I tell”  or “I don’t want my lips to be seen while I hide information”.

In the case of compulsive touching the nose, beyond a cold or allergy, it may be due to an increase in adrenaline in the nasal capillaries due to anxiety or stress that lying brings.

5. Child attitude

Speaking in a higher pitch, as if you were a child or a soft character, should put us on alert. 

Some people lived in places where lies were accepted and forgiven, as long as they were “beautiful”. Young children can seem adorable when they tell lies about a prank, but we must be very careful if this technique is used by an adult.

6. Eye movement

woman lying to man

Another way to determine if someone is lying is to look at their eyes. On the one hand it is normal for you to move your eyes from side to side with despair. But beware! This is not the same as looking up trying to remember something, seeing the pupils go from right to left at full speed. This last habit can be synonymous with lying.

On the other hand,  liars also tend to avoid eye contact with their interlocutor  or even focus their vision on a specific object behind the person listening to them. We should be careful in this case, because many experts in lying have practiced and learned how to look into the eyes so that we consider them sincere.

7. Breathing

The stress of lying can change the way you breathe,  especially if the person feels guilty about your words or is speaking under pressure.

It may also be difficult to swallow saliva or to clear your throat because of what’s in your mouth and your throat is dry. It could be that you lick your lips, that your chest is heaving, that you breathe through your nose, or that you take big breaths of air.

8. Voice

man telling lies

Pay close attention to the speaker’s vocal changes. The voice can be a perfect indicator of lies or truth. Perhaps you start the conversation slower or faster than usual, your tone is high-pitched, or the words “shake” as they are uttered.

Another way to detect someone lying is to hear them stutter or babble.

See also: Why do we become victims when we are the protagonist?

9. Sweat

It is normal that when someone is in an uncomfortable situation, they transpire more than usual. Maybe say “it’s too hot in here” even if the air conditioner is on or it’s winter.

Measuring perspiration is one of the parameters analyzed in a lie detector or polygraph. If the person’s hands are wet with perspiration or their clothes are damp, it may be because they are not being honest with you.

10. Emotional responses

people trying to find out who lies

Reaction and timing of responses can help if we want to find someone who lies. For example, if we ask you something and you immediately respond, chances are you are not telling the truth. Perhaps you have rehearsed it or practiced the answer.

Also pay attention if the person wants to continually defend himself,  if he deflects questions by answering something that has nothing to do with him or how his body changes when faced with certain words or phrases. Be careful if you use the same words as you to answer or if you answer with another question.

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