Chickpea Balls: Gluten Free Vegan Recipe

Chickpeas are perhaps the best vegetable there is. It’s so malleable and health-friendly that it can be used without worrying about the gluten content.
Chickpea dumplings: gluten-free vegan recipe

In many countries, chickpea balls are very little known under this name. It is more commonly called “falafel” or chickpea meatballs. And although they enjoy a reputation and a rich cultural history, this recipe is notable for being completely vegan and gluten-free.

Certainly, the contents of the ingredients that make it up are more than fabulous. The benefits provided by this wonderful vegetable are :

  • Proteins, starches and lipids.
  • Oleic and linoleic acid.
  • Folic Acid, Vitamin B1 and Thiamine.
  • Low amount of sodium, so it is recommended for hypertension.
  • R ecomendado for the whole year regardless of the season.

Follow these simple instructions and learn how to make this healthy, gluten-free chickpea recipe. A dish that you can popularize and make all your own without the need to mention that it’s totally vegan. Ideal for the little ones in the house.

Learn how to make vegan and gluten-free chickpea balls

Small chickpea balls

First start with the sauce

First, what you should do before starting with the chickpea dumplings is to prepare the  sauce that will accompany the dumpling with each bite. This will give a spectacular flavor and make the recipe stand out more for its flavor.


  • ½ cup of parsley (60 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil (60 ml)
  • 2 cloves of unpeeled garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g)
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 3 tablespoons of soy mayonnaise (60 g)


  1. First, finely cut the parsley sprigs. Be sure to use all ingredients, as their contents in the sauce are important.
  2. Then, in a grinder or mixer, add the other ingredients and start beating until you get the texture you like best.
  3.  Finally, if you notice a little liquid left, add a little more soy mayonnaise and garlic.

chickpea balls

Definitely must remember that the proportions can always vary. In this case, the recipe is meant for two people, but if you have guests you can calculate different amounts.

Seasoned chickpea balls


  • 3 cups of chickpeas soaked the night before (660 g)
  • 1 cup of breadcrumbs (120 g)
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (15 ml)
  • 4 cloves of unpeeled garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of paprika (15 g)
  • 1 pinch of black pepper


  1. First, work with the chickpeas. It is important to start the recipe with the chickpeas that have been soaked overnight.
  2. Also, pour the cups of chickpeas into a large bowl and drain off excess water.
  3. Afterwards, let them dry for a moment, but not completely.
  4. So if you have a food processor, it will save you a lot of time. If not, you will have to knead them to form a puree or uniform mass.
  5. So, move on to seasoning. For this you will have to throw all the spices in a small bowl and combine them.
  6. Also, add the seasonings to the batter and make sure they cover the entire area of ​​the chickpea puree.
  7. Also, in a pan with a little oil, fry the onion with the sauce and the garlic cloves until golden. It will take you about 3 minutes.
  8. Once finished, pour a little oil into another pan and let it heat up. Reserve.
  9. Right after, shape the balls with the chickpea puree, remember: with your hands well washed.
  10. Afterwards, pass them through the breadcrumbs and make sure they cover the entire surface.
  11. Finally, put them in hot oil and let them brown well on all sides. Serve and enjoy your gluten-free chickpea balls.

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