Benefits Of Sleeping On The Left Side Of The Body

When sleeping on the left side, we favor the health of our organs, as we facilitate their work. Among other benefits, we will improve our circulation and digestion.
Benefits of sleeping on the left side of the body

Do you usually sleep on the left or right side of your body? Or are you just another person who prefers to sleep on your back? Experts warn that the best side to sleep on is the left side. Next, check out our article and find out why.

5 benefits of sleeping on the left side of the body

The title of this article may surprise you. Perhaps you are a person who, until now, has not stopped to think about the fact that sleeping in a certain position could be more or less beneficial to the body.

But, it seems, this detail does have its importance.

The truth is, oriental medicine has been telling us for a long time that we should all sleep on the left side of our bodies. A recent study published in The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology demonstrated through simple principles why this is important.

In this space, we will make a short summary of this study so that we can put it into practice. We are sure you will be convinced.

1. Favors lymphatic drainage

Dr. Doulliard explains that sleeping on the left side is acting naturally. This part is the dominant side of the lymphatic system.

Therefore, it is from this side that the drainages occur, through which the lymph transports important elements such as proteins, glucose, metabolites and elements that must be filtered by the lymph nodes and that must be carried by the left side.

So remember that the first principle is precisely due to our lymphatic system, which will benefit from sleeping on this side.

2. For anatomical reasons

You may not remember now, but both your stomach and pancreas are on the left side of your body. If we position ourselves on that side to sleep, we will favor better digestion.

This is a way to better channel gastric juices, also helping pancreatic enzymes to be secreted more easily.

3. For the well-being of the heart

to sleep

Astonished? Probably yes. This study explains that more than 80% of the heart is on the left side of the body and that, through the simple act of sleeping on the left side , we favor the health of this organ in a simple and natural way.

Also, as we’ve already mentioned, the lymphatic system drains more easily in this position.

Another point to consider is that the aorta leaves the heart, taking an arcuate shape to the left side to reach the abdomen. If we sleep on the left side, the heart will pump blood more simply and effectively, pushing it more easily.

4. Do you usually take a nap after lunch?

If you tend to nap for a while after lunch, especially when you eat a lot, then be sure to do this always choosing to lie down on your left side.

In this way, you will favor digestion and you will get up more relaxed, less tired and without stomach pain. Try it and see how great this after lunch nap will be if you choose the left side.

5. For the health of the spleen

sleep on the left side

The spleen  is also on the left side of the body. This organ is also a basic part of the lymphatic system, needed to filter the blood and perform optimal lymphatic function.

If we sleep on the left side of the body, we will make our fluids go to the spleen in a simpler way, favoring the natural sense of gravity in our body. Most of our lymphatic system performs its tasks on this side of the body.

So, you already know, for health reasons it is always better to sleep on the left side. How about trying it out tonight?

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