5 Ingredients For An Exceptional Breakfast

An ideal breakfast should give us energy and encourage a good mood to face the day. Don’t forget to include whole grains, which are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.
5 ingredients for an exceptional breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as we depend on it to start our day with energy and spirit. However, most people generally eat a poorly nutritious and healthy breakfast, opting for foods that have the opposite effect.

In this article, we will explain the 5 fundamental ingredients so that, from the first hours of the day, your organism does not lack anything.

In just a few days you will notice the difference and be amazed at the changes you will see in your daily life.

a whole grain

In the morning we need food that provides energy for several hours, whether to perform some physical or mental exercise.

And the food that can provide us with this energy is whole grain, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

We shouldn’t think about the breakfast cereals that are sold in supermarkets, as some are usually not wholegrain and contain a lot of sugar and preservatives. We can choose the ones that are used in diets or make our own cereal ourselves.

Here are some examples of ingredients for a breakfast cereal:

  • Oats: is the queen of cereals  that provide us with energy and relax our nervous system. Furthermore, it is very rich in fiber and mucilage, which facilitate the entire digestive process.
    • It is advisable to boil it with a little milk or some natural drink, which does not cause us acidity, although we can also consume it raw, if we prefer.
  • Brown rice: although it is a cereal we are used to eating at lunchtime, it can also be consumed in the morning boiled with milk or a rice drink, with cinnamon and lemon peel.
    • A delicious rice pudding is an excellent breakfast, ideal for cold seasons. We can also choose a rice pie to accompany other ingredients.
  • Maize: in many countries maize is one of the most consumed cereals. We can find it in the form of cereal or we can also use its flour to make delicious cakes.
a breakfast

The fruit

Fruit is essential, especially in the morning, as it has the property of activating our organism. We can consume it in juice form, such as sugar-free or dried marmalade.

Here are some fruit suggestions:

  • Citrus: Grapefruit or orange are excellent for breakfast, as they are fruits with a lot of energy.
  • Figs: ideal for combating constipation.
  • Pears: rich in silicon, an essential mineral for our skin, hair and nails.
  • Apple: a fruit rich in malic acid and tartaric acid that helps us to prevent multiple diseases and have healthy teeth and gums.
  • Papaya: ideal for those suffering from acidity and other digestive problems.
  • Pineapple: provides us with digestive enzymes and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Banana : very nutritious and rich in magnesium, a mineral that nourishes our muscles and nervous system.
  • Dried fruits (raisins, plums, dates, figs, apricots): they have a lot of fiber and are very energetic.
    • They are very practical if we don’t have time to have breakfast at home or want something quick in our bag for when we feel the need to eat something.
a breakfast

a dried fruit

Dried fruits contain high levels of healthy fats, essential for our bodies and provide us with a lot of energy and fiber.

We recommend eating them raw or roasted, but avoiding salty or fried ones, as these have not only lost most of their nutritional value, but can also be harmful to our health. Choose:

  • Nuts
  • hazelnuts
  • Almonds
  • Peanut
  • pistachios
  • Pine nuts

A milk or something protein

Traditionally, it is always recommended to include something milky for breakfast. In addition to milk, people who do not tolerate it very well or who prefer other foods can choose between:

  • Natural yogurt
  • Cheese (cow, sheep or goat milk)
  • Cream cheese
  • Butter or ghee

But lactose is not essential and we can also replace it with other foods that contain proteins, such as eggs.

a breakfast

a natural sweetener

If you like to sweeten some of these ingredients, we always recommend avoiding white sugar, which not only does not provide us with energy, it also robs us of minerals, and opt for one of the following sweeteners:

  • Brown, whole or cane sugar
  • Bee’s honey
  • agave syrup
  • Fruit or cereal molasses

Images courtesy of abbyladybug, Marisa Food in Jars, pcarpen and Nomadic Lass.

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