Did You Know That Vick Vaporub Can Ease Acne?

As long as it is used in a moderate way, avoiding open wounds, Vick Vaporub can be a great ally to relieve acne inflammation and improve your appearance.
Did you know that Vick Vaporub can ease acne?

Nobody likes that their face is suddenly invaded by pimples in their various forms. And even less if you are a teenager and dream of conquering your prince – or princess. And so we present here a little-known use of Vick VapoRub

To alleviate acne, thousands of remedies, more or less effective, both commercial and homemade, have been created. However, one of the options that seems to work the most is the good old Vick VapoRub.

A product with more uses than we imagine

Vick Vaporub against acne

The mere mention of this ointment can teleport you back to childhood.  That’s because this product was essential to mitigate the symptoms of colds and flu.

When congestion and coughing appeared, her mother already came with this magic formula. Just rubbing it over your chest and throat made you forget for a while all the annoyances of the flu or cold.

However, over the years, other popular uses of this product that do not appear on the label have become widespread.

Thus, we found that Vick VapoRub is more than effective when it comes to alleviating the appearance of acne.

But what is the reason for this success in applications you hadn’t thought of?

Vick VapoRub, ideal for skin “emergencies”

We assume that not all skins are the same. Therefore, what is good for some may not be good for others.

Thus, we must take into account that, among the precautions indicated by the laboratory that produces this ointment, it should not be used on wounds or skin lesions.

That said, the VicK VapoRub formula has some ingredients that can be effective in de-inflaming the area affected by acne.

And it also has one or another substance that would have the opposite effect.

Anyway, many acne specialists do not fail to recommend it, especially in the face of an emergency.

How To Use This Ointment To Alleviate Acne

Man squeezing pimple.  This should be avoided using Vick Vaporub

You just need to apply some of the ointment on the area affected by acne and let it work for a while.

Ideally, use Vick before bed. We make sure that when you wake up in the morning, the annoying acne marks will no longer be so evident.

However, it is recommended to consult your trusted physician before using this product.

That’s because, perhaps, in your clinical history there are issues that prevent the use of any of the components of Vick VapoRub.

Know the components of the ointment

Next, we’ll tell you what the main ingredients in VapoRub are and their possible effect on acne treatment.

  • Camphor. This semi-solid, crystalline and waxy substance, with a strong and penetrating aroma, is obtained from the wood of the camphor tree. Its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties can help treat acne. We should avoid passing over open wounds because of their possible toxicity.
  • Eucalyptus. Considered one of the best options that the plant kingdom offers to treat respiratory problems, it is also an excellent antibacterial. So it can be beneficial in dealing with acne.
  • Menthol. This mint derivative has anti-inflammatory and calming properties, in addition to being a good antiseptic. Therefore, its use is recommended for skin irritations in general.

Thymol, the apparent anti-acne star, and other ingredients in this product

Vick Vaporub

Other substances present in the formula of this legendary ointment are:

  • Thymol. Coming from the essential oils of thyme or oregano, it is considered an excellent product for oily and comedogenic skins. Without a doubt, it is the ideal antibacterial to treat acne;
  • Trementina. Extracted from the gum of some types of conifers. It acts like a balm, and as long as it’s not used on open wounds, it’s also a good antiseptic.

In addition, among the ingredients that are used to make Vick VapoRub, are:

  • Cedar essential oil. Used to regulate sebum production. It also has antiseptic properties.
  • Nutmeg essential oil. In addition to its virtues as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, there are supposed benefits to improve the appearance of the skin in general.
  • Petrolatum. The substance used to unite all the ingredients of Vick VapoRub is the least advisable to alleviate the appearance of acne, as it can close the pores.

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