How To Clean The Kidneys With Natural Remedies?

By exercising, we make the work of the kidneys easier. In addition, if physical activity is prolonged, we can also eliminate toxins through sweating.
How to clean the kidneys with natural remedies?

Many do not know the importance of cleaning the kidneys and keeping them healthy, as many diseases originate in the urinary system. We must be aware that it is vital that they are always in excellent condition.

Symptoms that tell us that the kidneys need to be cleaned

If you have very high or low blood pressure, if your lower or anterior abdomen hurts, if your urine is dark in color, if you feel very thirsty, your back hurts above the waist, or if you go to the bathroom a lot at night, it may unless you have some imbalance in your urinary system.

It is also a warning sign if you urinate less than half a liter a day, if your bladder is full all the time, if there is pain when urinating, if your ankles swell a lot at night, if in the morning your eyes are very swollen, if there are bruises without you hitting something or bleeding.

The presence of gallstones or stones in the kidneys and bladder is more than enough reason to clean the kidneys or have a kidney cleanse.


How to prevent kidney imbalance?

  • Controlling your diet is really very important to be able to prevent the amount of toxins from increasing in the body, falling into the bloodstream and then not being eliminated in the urine.
  • Avoid stone formation or kidney failure by reducing your consumption of too much salt or processed products (especially frozen and breaded).
  • Do not abuse the consumption of dairy products, especially whole grains (non-skimmed).

  • Try to reduce the amount of animal protein ingested, from meat to eggs. This helps to precipitate calcium in the urine, which increases the possibility of suffering from kidney stones and, in addition, because they have a lot of uric acid.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages or those with a lot of sugar, because they make the faster elimination of calcium.
  • Try to maintain a vegetarian diet or a diet rich in natural products. Add lots of natural fruit or vegetable juices to your diet.
  • Consume many foods with diuretic properties such as orange, grape, lemon, grapefruit, celery, carrot, cucumber, apple, watermelon, cantaloupe, lettuce, plum and peach.
  • Limit the use of medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen or similar.
  • Drink a considerable amount of water a day (two liters in winter and three in summer) until the urine is almost transparent or light yellow in color. However, try not to overdo it, as the kidneys will work excessively.

Three days to clean the kidneys

This is not a magic solution that guarantees “72 hours clean kidneys”, but it can help you in this process. First of all, during these three days you must not consume any coffee, alcohol, soft drinks, salt and high protein foods.

All work by irritating the kidneys and preventing the bladder from flushing out toxins. Replace drinks with mineral water, meat with flaxseeds or sunflower seeds and almonds.

Start the day with a breakfast that includes a glass of blueberry juice, which reduces the amount of calcium that builds up in your bladder.

These sediments slow down the functions of the kidneys and prevent toxins from being eliminated from the body, in addition to causing infections and kidney stones, which are very painful.


Mid-morning, drink a glass of potassium juice, which acts as a cleansing tonic and will help you have lots of energy during this three-day process. You can make your own juice or shake with carrots, celery, parsley and spinach.

At noon, drink a glass of liquid chlorophyll; a green substance that gives this same color to plants and can be purchased in natural or diet products stores.

You can also prepare it by taking a green leaf, such as kale, chopping it and mixing it in a blender with water and lemon. It will benefit your body, improve your immune system and help clean your blood, among other benefits.

More solutions to cleanse the kidneys

Between lunch and dinner, at afternoon snack time, drink a cup of watermelon seed tea. It is a very mild drink with diuretic effects, which help to activate the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

It will help to improve the digestion of meals and to evacuate before the night period.

For dinner, drink some carrot juice to help with passing urine. You can also consume blueberry juice.

With regard to lunch, you can eat whatever you want, taking into account that it is not recommended to consume meat during these three days, nor flour. Take the opportunity to go on a small diet.

Before bed, drink a tea made from mint or dandelion leaves, which detoxify the body and digest food better at night.

clean the kidneys

Don’t forget to exercise or exercise during these three days. You can take a 30-minute walk a day to make the kidneys work easier.

It is also recommended to go to a sauna to expel toxins through sweating. You can also take a sitz bath with hot water. And then cool off with a warm or cold shower.

And finally, stretch your body in the morning and at night. Stretching correctly will help you “activate” and have more energy to get through the day and, in turn, get better rest.

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