Eliminate Foot Fungus And Corns With This Amazing Home Remedy

In addition to helping us get rid of fungus, aspirin is also very effective in alleviating foot inflammation as well as reducing blemishes.
Eliminate foot fungus and corns with this amazing home remedy

Even though the feet are the support of our body every day, most people don’t give them much importance until they notice that they are developing some imperfections, such as fungus and corns.

Wearing shoes, continual friction, and your contact with various types of micro-organisms can affect your skin and, over time, cause calluses, cracks, and other problems.

Even though not all of us are exposed in the same way, lack of care and treatment can lead to uncomfortable symptoms. This, in addition to creating an unpleasant appearance, causes pain and inflammation.

Luckily, it’s not always necessary to invest in expensive pedicures or professional methods to keep your skin free of calluses, fungus, and corns.

If we combine inexpensive and easily available ingredients on the market, we can prepare excellent natural remedies to smooth the skin on your feet and keep them healthy.

In this article we are going to share an interesting recipe for you to start taking care of your feet using just two ingredients.

Home remedy to fight fungus and calluses on the feet

cracked heels

There are a wide variety of options to fight fungus and corns, remove dead cells, and avoid other pesky problems that detract from our appearance.

Among them there is an aspirin and lemon juice treatment. It is  known for its ability to exfoliate, cleanse and smooth even the toughest areas of skin.

Aspirins are an analgesic and anticoagulant medication that can be used to relieve headaches, fever and some circulation difficulties.

Although these are its best known applications, it is currently also used as a component for skin health and beauty.

This is because it is used to fight acne, blemishes and other impurities that get adhered to the surface of the skin.

In addition, thanks to its composition, it is very effective in controlling fungus and calluses on feet and nails. This is thanks to the fact that it slows down its growth and controls the itchy sensation it can cause.

Aspirin against fungi and calluses

It has a high concentration of beta-hydroxy acid, a fat-soluble component that the cosmetic industry uses to prepare creams and exfoliants.

It also concentrates anti-inflammatory and calming substances. They help to reduce tension and pain in this part of the body, especially after a day with a lot of physical activity.

In addition, it serves to lighten dark spots that can form by exposure to the sun, toxins and contact with various surfaces.

How to prepare this home remedy for foot care?

lemon-and-aspirin-homemade medicine

If you notice that your feet have hard areas, cracks or any other imperfections, don’t hesitate to try this amazing treatment to improve your appearance in no time.

Its regular application reduces the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, preventing imbalances in your skin’s pH and bad odors.


  • 5 aspirins
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 1 pumice stone

How to make

  • Crush aspirin in a pestle to a powder. If you don’t have a pestle, moisten them with a little water and crush them with a fork.
  • Mix the obtained powder in a container and then add the lemon juice.
  • Mix everything for a few moments, until you get a thick and homogeneous paste.
  • If it gets too dry, add more lemon or a spoonful of water.

How to use

  • Rinse feet to remove any dirt accumulated on the surface.
  • Then apply a thin layer of the product over the areas affected by fungus and calluses.
  • Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse with plenty of lukewarm water.
  • Then rub the areas with a pumice stone to remove dead and dry skin.
  • Remove dead cells with warm water and dry your feet thoroughly.
  • Repeat the procedure two or three times a week for good results.

Ready for prettier feet? Incorporate this simple treatment into your beauty routine and discover all its benefits for taking care of your skin.

Try to complement your application with a good moisturizing cream, as this area of ​​the body tends to suffer from a lack of moisture and to dry out easily.

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