5 Tips To Hide Hair Shortages

To strengthen the hair from the inside out, we must follow a balanced diet and not overuse fried foods and refined flours. Topical treatments can also help us to stop hair loss.
5 tips to hide hair shortage

Hair scarcity is an extremely common problem these days, which affects both men and women.

It can occur due to several different causes, and in addition to being considered an aesthetic problem, it can also indicate something that is not in our health, such as a nutrient deficiency or an emotional problem.

If you suffer from this problem, it is important to consult a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis for your case and to understand what is causing the hairs to fall out.

Only then will it be possible to start an adequate treatment.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to stop the hair loss and make the hair grow back and cover the “flaws” overnight ; it is a long-term effort to get results.

During this process, we would like to share some ways to disguise hair scarcity and scalp flaws so that your self-esteem and self-confidence are not affected by this problem.

A new cut and new hairstyles for hair scarcity

disguise hair shortage

Use your creativity to find ways to cover up your hair shortage. For those who have long hair, for example, one of the most suitable strategies is to make a shorter cut, in which the flaws are less evident.

Talk to your hairdresser to come up with a solution that you are happy with. One suggestion is to make a layered cut to reduce the weight of the hair, preventing it from falling out further.

Another option is to bet on cuts and hairstyles with more volume, as they help to create the illusion of more hair and disguise the scarcity.

Wear accessories to hide hair shortage

Accessories can be an amazing way to disguise hair scarcity and create a much more interesting and innovative look.

Although many people are not used to using them, it’s worth experimenting and finding the style that suits you best.

You can create new looks using hats or scarves tied in different ways. For the more daring, even the use of turbans is in fashion.

How about giving these trends a chance? You can feel so much more beautiful and confident, even with fine hair.

a new color

a new hair color can disguise hair shortages

Like a new cut, a new color can help, a lot, to disguise the consequences of the constant fall of hair.

Dark tones, such as black and brown, tend to make flaws in the scalp more evident, so the suggestion is to bet on lighter variations.

You don’t have to become a blonde overnight; just lighten one or two shades. You can talk to your hairdresser and mix different shades to create an illusion of volume and irregular shapes in the strands that help to hide flaws.

take care of the wires

We must take extra care with the hair so that the strands do not continue falling and creating new flaws, which as a result will be increasingly difficult to disguise.

Several products can damage our hair and contribute to hair loss, which is why it is important to avoid them.

Choose a good shampoo and conditioner that helps nourish your hair instead  of options full of chemicals that can damage them even more.

In addition, it is essential to avoid the use of the dryer and flat iron as much as possible. These devices damage the hair a lot and can accelerate the fall, so it’s worth taking a “break” for your hair to recover.

Bet on natural remedies to fight hair shortage

coconut oil to combat hair shortage

In addition to working to cover up hair shortages, another thing we can do is invest in natural treatments to stop hair loss and stimulate growth.

Next, we’ll share a recipe that helps nourish and strengthen your hair, preventing sagging.


  • 40 ml of almond oil
  • 10 ml of castor oil
  • 40 ml of coconut oil
  • 5 ml of lavender essential oil
  • 3 vitamin E capsules

To prepare it, first mix the almond oil with the castor oil and the coconut oil. Then add lavender oil and vitamin E capsules to the mixture.

Place in a glass jar and keep stored in a cool, dry place.

To use this remedy, take some of the oil mixture and apply it to the entire scalp, gently massaging it with your fingertips.

The recommendation is to do the treatment every day, before going to bed, and leave the medicine acting throughout the night.

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