Beetroot Juice To Take Care Of Your Brain

Beetroot can be a great health ally as it helps fight chronic inflammation and prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Beetroot has an intense flavor of fresh earth, and it’s amazing how well it goes and how you can combine it in countless healthy recipes and delicious natural juices.

Now, there’s something every good beet lover will undoubtedly enjoy.

According to several studies, drinking a glass of its juice daily is enough  to improve blood circulation to the brain.

Something so simple could help reduce the incidence of dementias or other neurodegenerative diseases by a very interesting percentage.

Learn more below.

Beetroot Juice: A Powerful Remedy for Brain Health

beet juice

Beetroot has its remote origins off the coasts of Africa. Later, and with the birth of trade, it did not take long to spread to Asia and Europe.

It should also be said that the root of its rapid expansion is not only due to the tubercle itself:  the leaves were also – and continue to be – very appreciated. So much so that in ancient Rome they were a common ingredient in many dishes.

Later, and as a curiosity,  Napoleon popularized the use of beetroot as a source of sugar  after the British restricted access to sugarcane to the French.

In fact, beetroot is still an indispensable raw material for the production of sugar nowadays, a fact that should be remembered for those who are diabetic.

Now, does this mean that because of the sugar beet dose, it could be more dangerous than beneficial? No way!

In fact, there is a fact that is important to remember:  our brain needs glucose for energy,  as well as all the very special nutrients present in beets.

We explain below.


Beetroot contains high concentrations of nitrates. Upon reaching our mouths, bacteria transform them into nitrites.

  • These nitrites have a very special function: they  open blood vessels to promote blood circulation  and improve oxygen content.
  • This interesting property is also presented – albeit to a lesser extent – ​​by celery, kale and other green leafy vegetables such as spinach.
  • Thanks to the nitrates present in beets, we have at our disposal an excellent ally to reduce strokes.

Although there are people who usually add beetroot in their usual way in their diet, there are those who do not like its peculiar and intense flavor.

In any case, it is worth getting used to it and looking for the combination that is most pleasant to enjoy its benefits.

Also discover this melon, green apple and cucumber juice to lose weight

Beetroot against chronic inflammation


In addition to nitrates, beets are rich in several other bioactive compounds that  help fight or reduce the impact of chronic inflammation.

  • Inflammation is the main trigger of many heart diseases, as well as cerebral infarctions.
  • The more inflammation, the more difficult it is for the blood to flow, the oxygen level decreases, and toxins build up.

Furthermore, few enemies are as dangerous to our brain health as neuroinflammation.

If we get used to consuming it two or three times a week, we will  reduce hypertension and the development of atherosclerosis; at the same time, we will be taking the utmost care of our cognitive processes.

How to make a beetroot juice to take care of the brain?


  • 3 fresh beets
  • 2 carrots
  • 1/4 red cabbage
  • 7 tangerines
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)


  • First, wash the beets and carrots thoroughly.
  • Then cut them into smaller pieces for easier processing. Also chop the cabbage.
  • Place the beets, carrots and finely chopped cabbage in a blender.
  • Process until you get a very homogeneous juice and set aside.
  • Then get the juice from the 6 tangerines.
  • Combine the tangerine juice with two glasses of water and the carrot, beet and cabbage juice. It’s delicious!

Remember to drink throughout the day: the first glass on an empty stomach  and the second with the main meal.

If you prefer,  throughout the week you can simply process a medium beetroot  along with a glass of water.

In this way, you will continue to benefit from its properties in a simpler and faster way.

In any case, be sure to consume it: your brain will love it!

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