True Love Does Not Judge And Limit You

True love is like mature love; you don’t depend on the other person or need them, but you decide to share your days with them so that you can have a full experience.
True love doesn't judge you and doesn't limit you

We all want to find true love. However, we may end up doing everything we can to push it away, even if unconsciously. For example, starting a relationship out of fear of being alone or lacking the necessary assertiveness to manage it or ending it in a healthy way can prevent you from finding true love.

With these premises, what you believe to be “love” will place limitations, restrict your freedom and everything will revolve around fear.

true love is not emotional dependency

true love is not emotional dependency

It is sometimes possible to confuse true love with emotional dependence. So you may end up believing certain phrases like “if I am c iumento is because the mo” or “love is possession.”

In this way, you judge your partner if he is not jealous and you want to have him as your possession. But where is the true love in that? It doesn’t exist, because it has become something that limits and impedes growth. Love must allow you to improve as a person every day, advance in life and mature.

When love limits, its termination is imminent, because the beliefs of that love nullify the feeling of what true love really is and all that it implies.

Don’t judge your past because you live in the present

Something that characterizes true love is that it  will never judge its past. That is, the mistakes you made with other partners don’t need to be relived in the present.

Someone who wants to start a relationship and form a life project with you doesn’t need to judge the actions that were part of their experience. For example, you may have been unfaithful or emotionally dependent on a partner for some time. Maybe you haven’t been the best parent in the past, or you haven’t been completely honest in your relationship.

In any case, the person you are with now must not judge you for these things. If you is aware of everything we did wrong, it is  because you is learned ; you have analyzed yourself and understood that you can improve.

In case none of this happens and you are afraid that the person next to you will judge your past and walk away, you should keep in mind that this is not true love.

You are not allowing yourself to be sincere. Express your experiences and everything you learned from them. You are not the same person you were a few years ago. So if your prospective partner judges you for everything you’ve been through and experienced and for all the mistakes you’ve made, he’s not what you’re looking for, because that’s not true love.

In search of mature love

True love can be equated with what we know as mature love.

True love can be equated with what we know as mature love. A more peaceful love, with a solid foundation and that arises once the phase of passion is overcome. This love is characterized by a series of principles which we will reflect on below:

  • Accept the past without judgment, as is imposs í vel alter you it does , viewing it as an experience that has given rise to an enriching learning.
  • In mature love, there is no desire to change another person, because true love involves accepting the other completely. Only then is it possible to establish a healthy bond and have a full relationship.
  • In it, each one knows that they do not need the other person to be happy, but chooses them as a life partner to live an experience of full love that allows both to enjoy life together and learn from it.
  • It never limits the future of one of the members, it encourages the growth of each one, encouraging both to reach their goals.

Mature love never fades. Instead, it invites you to grow. Because in him, your partner would never make you feel like your world is stagnating or going backwards, but moving forward.

And you, have you found your true love?

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