What Are The Causes Of Low Back Pain?

Low back pain is a condition that causes a lot of discomfort. In severe cases, it is disabling until resolved. Posture is a big problem, both at work and in sports activities, but this is not the only cause. Learn more below.
What are the causes of low back pain?

The causes of low back pain are very varied, but this discomfort is always related to the muscular and skeletal structure of the spine. It is a frequent reason for medical appointments and for incapacity at work.

It is a pain that is located in the lower back. Throughout life, almost the entire population suffers from this problem at some point. In fact, most cases have a good prognosis and are easily resolved. However, about 15% of low back pain becomes chronic.

In this article, we will explain the most common causes of low back pain. Some of them can be avoided, so we’ll also talk about a number of simple measures that can help prevent this situation.

Causes of low back pain

Low back pain, as noted, is pain that occurs in the lower back. This discomfort can radiate and spread to the lower limbs. It is a very common situation that affects people of any age.

So much so that, according to a study carried out at the Medical-Surgical Research Center, the prevalence varies between 60% and 90% of the general population. In all these cases, about 80% are acute and the rest are chronic.

Low back pain has specific characteristics. For example, it tends to intensify when a person leans forward or tries to lift an object. Also, it can extend to the glutes.

In some cases, low back pain is associated with the sciatic nerve. It is a pathology in which there is compression of the sciatic nerve. In this case, it is more common for the pain to reach the lower parts of the lower extremities.

The causes of low back pain are usually related to a mechanical problem in the spine. A review article published in the Revista Médica de Costa Rica y Centroamérica  states that factors such as age, gender, genetics, sport and work influence their development.

One of the causes of low back pain is wear and tear due to age.
Low back pain can appear at any age, as its causes are varied.

physical effort

Excessive physical exertion is one of the most common causes of low back pain, as explained by a study carried out at the Universidad de Miguel Hernández . It can include any type of sport activity that significantly strains the back.

An example would be strength training on people who are not used to it. The same can happen to someone who is in good physical shape but makes an aggressive move that injures a spinal ligament.

However, this doesn’t just happen during sports. It is important to highlight that most of the causes of low back pain in relation to excessive effort occur in the work environment. This is what a study conducted at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana tries to demonstrate .

Disc injuries as a cause of low back pain

Intervertebral discs are a kind of pillow that sits between the vertebrae. Allow to dampen the clash between them. They are made up of cartilaginous tissue and this, like all others in the body, is sensitive to aging.

Thus, with advancing age, it is more common for these discs to wear out. If this happens, chemicals are released that irritate the nerves, causing inflammation and pain.

Herniated disc is another of the pathologies most associated with low back pain and sciatica. The center of the disc pushes outward and protrudes into the spinal canal, causing what is known as a herniated disc. When this happens, it puts pressure on the nerves that pass through the canal.

disk degeneration

In the previous section we mentioned that, with age, the cartilaginous tissue of the discs often wears out and its damping capacity decreases. When this happens, the vertebrae can collide with each other, causing stiffness and lower back pain.

The problem is that this disc degeneration aggravates other spinal pathologies, such as spinal stenosis and spinal osteoarthritis.

Degenerative spondylolisthesis

Spondylolisthesis is the abnormal displacement of one vertebra over the other, as if it were slipping. What happens is that, as a vertebrae moves, it can press on the nerves in the spinal canal, causing pain and even inability to move.

As explained by the Clínica de la Universidad de Navarra , degenerative spondylolisthesis occurs when the tissues that stabilize the vertebrae degenerate. It could be the ligaments or intervertebral discs.

However, this is not the only cause. Spondylolisthesis can result from trauma, a tumor and even a congenital deformity.

spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a condition that consists of narrowing of the spinal canal. A large part of the peripheral nerves passes through this channel. So when it gets smaller, it puts pressure on the nerves and causes injuries.

Recommendations for preventing back pain

Some of the causes of low back pain are preventable, although there are factors that cannot be avoided. However, there are several simple measures that can improve back health.

First, it’s very important to note that exercising is one of the most beneficial actions, especially moderate exercise that helps strengthen your back muscles. However, it is necessary to avoid sudden or heavy movements that cause ligament damage.

Likewise, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle prevents, in turn, maintaining the same posture for a long time. When it comes to work, it is advisable to stretch at breaks. Twisting or hyperextension movements should also be avoided, especially if you are working with weight.

Obesity is another factor that can increase the risk of low back pain. Therefore, you should lose weight to put less strain on your spine structure.

Weight control to prevent back problems
Weight management is a tool to prevent low back pain associated with obesity.

If you suffer from one of the causes of low back pain, take action

The causes of low back pain are many and the prevalence of this pain is very high. So, in case you suffer an episode, it’s essential that you consider some indications. The first thing is the importance of always consulting an expert.

In addition, given low back pain, it is not advisable to stay in bed at rest. In fact, it’s more effective to stay active without trying to push this area too hard.

Some people experience some pain relief by applying hot or cold compresses to the affected area. Hot water compresses usually relieve the most persistent pain. Cold compresses are indicated at the time of injury to reduce inflammation.

One of the most important things to remember is that most back pain is posture related. Therefore, being aware of our postural habits and trying to improve them is a basic element.

At work, during study, and even during relaxation times, try to keep your back straight. When making any effort, such as picking up an object or carrying weight, it is recommended to involve other parts of the body, such as the legs. That way you won’t suffer from the strain in your back.

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