Anemia: How Can It Affect Our Emotions?

In addition to leaving us without the energy to carry out our usual activities, anemia can also affect us psychologically, taking away the desire to relate to people and making us more apathetic.
Anemia: How Can It Affect Our Emotions?

It is true that when we are sick, the symptoms affect our mood and relationships with those around us. An illness not only affects the physical level, but also the emotional one. In the case of anemia, there are also psychological consequences that change our daily lives.

Learn more in this article.

What is anemia and how does it appear?

Before we talk about the emotional effects of anemia, it’s worth knowing what it is.

Basically, it ‘s the lack of iron in our body.

The medical definition for this problem is: “A low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood”.

To detect it, a blood test is needed; although there are also some clinical signs that can serve to identify it.

Laboratory analysis may also show other changes in blood flow, such as decreased red blood cells or reduced hematocrit.

It is not correct to say that anemia is a disease, but rather a symptom or deficiency.

Lack of iron can result in iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia; which can be caused by gastrointestinal illnesses or blood loss (eg, from an accident or heavy menstrual bleeding).

When we are anemic, we lack energy


This is one of the ways we notice the lack of iron in the blood.

Lack of energy goes beyond wanting to stay in bed on a rainy day or having trouble getting up when the alarm goes off.

It’s  not being able to do an activity without getting tired or lacking enough strength to perform everyday tasks.

Other noticeable signs of anemia are:

  • paleness of the face
  • excessive hair loss
  • weak nails

Some people also use a well-known technique to determine if red blood cells are low: looking at the inner underside of the eyes.

If it’s too white, it means the person is anemic. Of course it’s nothing scientific, but it can be pretty accurate.

Among the consequences of being anemic, it is also worth highlighting neurological disorders such as vision changes or headaches, dizziness, insomnia and irregular menstrual cycle.

How does anemia affect us on an emotional level?

What to eat to not feel so tired

In addition to the consequences for physical health, a very important aspect, which perhaps doctors do not take into account: is the change at an emotional or psychological level caused by this pathology.

Discomfort is very common and can make us feel bad about ourselves and those around us.

Anemia can also result in indecision or insecurity about life’s goals.

As if everything were the same, there are not enough challenges or motivations to get up or leave the house.

Anemic people suffer from what is called “great generalized and non-specific tiredness”. Why is it called that? Because it is not possible to attribute it to any specific illness or situation.

They are unwilling to do anything and have no other symptoms that could be due to a specific health problem. It simply “doesn’t please them” to put themselves in motion.

Not even they can determine why this reaction, and this generates bad mood and dissatisfaction. It can also result in anger at yourself and a feeling of not being able to get things done.

Discouragement and lack of energy are two direct consequences of anemia. This undoubtedly affects all areas of life.

Maybe what, until yesterday, you liked to do, today costs twice as much to start. Or perhaps what in the past “recharged your batteries”, today is a great burden or obligation.

Anemia and problems at work

While it is sometimes difficult to get up early, fulfill our obligations and put up with the boss, for people with iron deficiency this becomes the rule rather than the exception.

Annoyance over things that didn’t matter before, difficulty concentrating on work, problems communicating or being proactive, are warning signs that we shouldn’t ignore.

If, for example, a person gets distracted by anything, finds it difficult to find the right word or does a simple calculation, or forgets what he needed to do, perhaps this is due to a lack of energy related to anemia.

How anemia affects personal life


Feeling bad at work because of anemia doesn’t end when you get home or close the day. In many cases, there is an increase in situations in which you don’t feel like doing anything.

Cleaning, meals, exercise, family gatherings, university… Everything seems to be a burden.

Increasingly, it’s hard to talk about enough encouragement to get up from the couch or bed on the weekend; even though, outside, the sun is shining and there are a thousand interesting things to do.

As relatives of a person who has these symptoms we must say that they need to be diagnosed by a doctor.

In the meantime, we can help them start with small things that give them energy : a light walk in the park, some music, a dessert…

All so that strength resurfaces and the person feels empowered to enjoy his surroundings.

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