Decorating With Vibrantly Colored Accessories

If you have been thinking of the best ideas for decorating a room with vibrant colors, you cannot miss some tips that we will give you in this article!
Decor with vibrantly colored accessories

In terms of decoration, we use vibrant colors to give vitality to spaces. In other words, they are  a form of expression of good humor and joy. Furthermore, they offer a certain relaxed air that makes people feel young, original and creative.

When we think of vibrant colors, we often feel intimidated as we associate them directly with a rainbow or a carnival. What is certain is that these colors do not need to come together or in an exaggerated way.

In fact, they can offer a very elegant result depending on how they are used.

In the animal kingdom, vibrant colors are a warning sign, as they indicate that it can be dangerous. In such a way that, when we see an animal with a shiny appearance, we will know that it hides some danger.

On the other hand, color also helps species with regard to reproduction: as is the case of the male royal peacock, which has a much more colorful plumage than the female, in order to attract her.

The most popular vibrant colors

There are colors that are much more popular in decor than others, simply because of their relationship to nature. That’s why blues and greens are colors that people tend to look for and include in their lives.

They are flashy, pleasant, energetic and, of course, easy to introduce into a harmonious environment.

Although primary colors are considered to be the main exponents of joy and vitality, there are bright tones that, over time, have gained increasing popularity both indoors and outdoors.

This is the case with turquoise, fuchsia, purple, and certain shades of yellow and orange.

Decorate with vibrant colors

How to Choose Vibrant Color Accessories

Of course, the vibrant colors offer ample scope for improvisation. However, the amplitude of the margin does not imply that it has to be used excessively. We can be fun and offer a good contrast even with small details. The point is to have a strategy and make it evident. We have to be consistent with what we want to get a good result.

Monochromatic or polychromatic?

When decorating with vibrant colors, it is necessary to get out of the association scheme we mentioned earlier; from carnival to rainbow.

The first thing we should ask ourselves is what kind of decoration we want to achieve and how many colors we want to add.

If we only want to use a vibrant color, we must know that the result will be less joyful and original.

For example, if the space we have is very simple (both in its structure and in the furniture), we can add color to give it the vitality it needs.

In the following image you can see how the color blue was used to add an attractive and cheerful design, while still being elegant. Likewise, color provides structure and serves as an element of cohesion.

Decorate vibrant colors in monochrome or polychrome?

Folk or modern?

Another question we should ask when decorating with vibrant colors is what style we would like.

On the one hand, we have folk art, which offers color and familiarity to the environment. And on the other hand, we have the modern variant which, in general, is oriented towards pieces of one color and geometric designs.

The decoration with vibrant colors of folkloric style is very common in Latin American countries, from Mexico to Argentina.

It not only presupposes a tradition, but also a way of freeing the mind from the present, from everyday things.

In fact, in Caribbean countries, traditional polychromatic decoration is very recurrent both in homes and in “beach houses”.

The modern decor, on the other hand, offers another kind of color and, despite being cooler than folkloric, it is still welcoming.

In this way, we bring vitality to the room without overwhelming it.

The important thing when decorating with colors is to have a clear strategy and not be too restricted with the margin of improvisation. We must not be afraid of losing our elegance. All you have to do is want to add contrast and energy to a space.

Cheer up and test until you find the idea that really delights you!

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