Natural Treatments To Attack Dry Cough

It is very important to drink plenty of fluids at room temperature to keep your throat hydrated and prevent irritation. Honey is a key ingredient in cough remedies.
Natural treatments to attack a dry cough

We say we have a dry cough when we don’t have any kind of phlegm when we cough, but when phlegm comes out, we say it’s a productive cough. A dry cough needs to be treated with some kind of medicine to cause the phlegm to come off so that it can be expelled. In this article, we’ll talk about some natural treatments to attack dry cough.

To get quick relief from dry cough, it is recommended to take some natural remedies that are very effective for this airway problem, which affects the quality of life of those who are suffering from this problem, as it presents itself more often during the night, ends up being very uncomfortable, as it does not let the person sleep well.


Garlic is an excellent natural remedy to attack dry cough, as its antibacterial properties are of great help in alleviating numerous diseases that attack various parts of the body, including the airways. Likewise, this is a very effective natural remedy to unclog the bronchi.

garlic to attack dry cough

Preparation of a home remedy with garlic

The first thing you should do is mash ten garlic and leave it overnight in a cup of olive oil and a few sprigs of thyme. The next day, pass this mixture through a strainer and place it in a jar with a lid. Take a tablespoon every day on an empty stomach, until finished. Already in the first spoonfuls you will be able to see the calming result of this natural remedy.

Eucalyptus and lemon steam to attack dry cough

Vapors are the best allies in helping to eliminate phlegm and therefore to unclog the bronchi and help relieve coughing. To make a proper steam, the first thing to do is bring to a boil half a liter of water with a few eucalyptus and lemon leaves, but you can also add the juice of several lemons.

When it’s ready, ie boiling, turn the heat down and very carefully approach the amount coming out of the container, cover your head with a towel and breathe in all the steam. This will help with the hassle of coughing.

Homemade syrup to attack dry cough


  • Glass container, preferably with a lid;
  • Lemon slices;
  • Pure bee honey;
  • Ginger into slices;
  • Boiling water.


Place the lemon slices, bee honey and sliced ​​ginger in the glass container. Close the container and place it in the refrigerator until a kind of gelatin forms. When serving, place a spoonful of this gelatin in a cup and add the boiling water over it. Store in refrigerator for 2 to 3 months.

Other Remedies to Attack Dry Cough

Carrot helps attack dry cough

  • Consume hot carrot juice two or three times a day.
  • Prepare three sliced ​​onions, place them in a container together with four spoons of honey and leave in another container with water to cook in a bain-marie for at least two hours. You need to take two scoops every three hours.
  • Boil a cup of water with three tablespoons of flaxseed, leave it on the fire for five minutes and remove. Strain and add the juice of a lemon and a spoon of honey. Take one spoon three times a day.
  • Grate some radishes and add approximately five tablespoons of honey. Let stand (covered) for four hours and then take a few spoonfuls several times a day.
  • Take an infusion of aniseed three times a day. They should be crushed and placed in a cup. Add boiling water, cover for a few minutes, strain and drink while still hot.

Additional Advice

  • Drink plenty of fluids, but at room temperature, as you should not drink anything cold.
  • If the cough has not disappeared within a week, it is best to consult a doctor and not leave it to the last hour (when complications appear). You should also see your doctor if you have a fever, chest pain, difficulty breathing, or if you are having a dry cough, a small child or elderly person.

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