Bad Hair: Check Out 8 Natural Treatments

Although there is a good offer of beauty products to improve your damaged hair, today we propose an alternative so that you can save a little more money and at the same time take care of your health.

Hair is one of our most beautiful attributes, but what are the causes that leave hair untreated? Can we use natural remedies to improve your appearance and vitality in a healthier way?

Most products offered on the market have many chemical agents that, in the long term, can affect us.

The good news is that natural products can always be used to restore health to damaged hair.

Natural hair treatments restore the softness and shine that has been lost, are very effective and, if you apply them correctly, will bring you excellent results without emptying your pocket.

Now let’s get deeper into this fascinating world of natural treatments or home remedies to treat damaged hair.

How to improve battered hair?

first treatment


  • Mayonnaise.
  • Olive oil.
  • Vitamin E capsules or tablets.
  • Castor oil.

Method of preparation

The amount of ingredients will depend on the size of your hair.

  • Mix all the ingredients, apply them to the hair and let them work for at least 20 minutes.
  • Then remove with warm water.

This treatment can be applied once a week.

second treatment


  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • ½ glass of beer.
  • 2 tablespoons of yellow mustard (can be substituted for mayonnaise).

Method of preparation

  • Add the two tablespoons of yellow mustard and olive oil to the beer.
  • Mix everything well and apply to hair for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Remove the mixture with plenty of warm water.

As with the previous treatment, it serves to revitalize damaged hair. This treatment should be applied twice a week.

third treatment


  • Aloe vera.
  • 3 scoops of beer.
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Method of preparation

  • Grind the aloe vera, add the three tablespoons of beer and the olive oil.
  • Mix everything well and apply to the ends of your hair every 15 days.
  • Let it work on the hair for 15 minutes and then remove with plenty of warm water.
Aloe vera against abused hair

fourth treatment


  • Papaya.
  • Banana.
  • Olive or coconut oil.
  • Honey from bees.
  • Yogurt.

Method of preparation

This one is a little more complex because of the amount of ingredients that are needed, but it is very effective.

  • First, mix all ingredients in an electric mixer or blender. The amount will vary depending on the size of your hair.
  • Wrap your hair with aluminum foil or a shower cap after adding the mixture.
  • Leave to act for 30 to 40 minutes and when finished remove with water.

This treatment is aimed at the ends and middle of the hair, and must be applied at least once a week.

fifth treatment


  • Coconut oil.
  • Lemon juice.

Method of preparation

  • Mix coconut oil with lemon juice in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  • Apply with a massage along the hair.

This is an excellent way to revitalize and moisturize your hair while eliminating dandruff.

sixth treatment


  • Coconut oil.
  • Curry leaves.

Method of preparation

  • Grind some curry leaves and boil them together with coconut oil.

This preparation must be applied at least once a week and is a very useful way to strengthen the hair and improve its natural shine.

Coconut for battered hair

seventh treatment


  • Honey
  • Olive oil

Method of preparation

Honey is a very useful element due to its natural properties. It is very nutritious and widely used in revitalizing recipes for both the hair and other parts of the body.

  • You can mix it with equal parts of olive oil and apply this mixture directly to your hair, without rubbing.
  • Let stand 15-20 minutes and then rinse.

eighth treatment


  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • 1 spoon of bee honey.
  • 1 egg.

Method of preparation

  • Mix a spoon of bee honey with the two of olive oil and the egg.
  • Apply the treatment to the ends and let it work for 30 minutes.
  • Remove with warm water and repeat the process once a week.

Prioritize cleaning your hair and avoid excessive use of chemical agents and excessive heat.

We hope this advice was helpful and remember: taking care of your hair is fundamentally up to you.

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