8 Ways To Use Old Tires

Old tires can be used to create different decorative elements for the house. Excited to try? Discover 8 interesting ideas. 
8 ways to use old tires

Old tires are parts that have a lot of potential. It all depends on our genius and our ability to imagine how they can be used.

Tires are made of a tough material (elastic polymer) better known as “rubber”. For this reason, even if they wear out and are unsuitable for vehicles, old tires are still useful for other purposes.

Rubber is a material that can be of natural or synthetic origin.  The natural is that which is extracted from Hevea trees, originating in South America, which is obtained from the latex of the plants. While the synthetic is a petroleum derivative.

Due to its elasticity and impermeability, it is an element widely used in industry. In fact, when it was recognized for being versatile and long-lasting, it began to be recycled and used as a raw material for many other products.

Can we give old tires a second chance at home? Of course!  More than one, actually. In the desire to reduce the pollution they generate when they are no longer useful in vehicles, we share hundreds of ideas for reusing them indoors.

The best ideas for using old tires

Nowadays there are many methods to recycle old tires. The most common way is to crush, cut and tear the pieces, in such a way that they can be shaped for purposes such as:

  • Roads.
  • Carpets.
  • Synthetic lawns.
  • Playgrounds.
  • Athletics tracks.
  • Protectors for boats.

However, considering that many people already have some of these pieces at home, there is another series of ideas that we can take great advantage of without having to submit them to the aforementioned process. Ready to put them into practice? Take your creativity to the next level!

1. Balance sheets

You can use an old tire to make swings

Want fun at home without spending too much? A very interesting idea is to convert old tires into swings for children.

Buy a rope in the color you like best and spray the tires with it. Then place it in the garden, on a thick trunk so that it is strong enough and safe. As an additional measure, we  recommend upholstering the interior with some fabric so that, when sitting down, it does not rub directly against the skin.

2. Sand pit

For children who are very small and whose swing is not yet ideal, another creative idea for their enjoyment can be realized. What do you think of a play sandpit?

This sandpit is very easy to carry out. We just have to wash, let it dry and then paint the old tires as we like it best. Then fill them with sand and place an umbrella. Surely this sandpit will become your children’s favorite place.

3. Scarf

You can use an old tire to make potted plants

Due to their shapes and sizes, old tires are excellent pieces for decorating outdoors and gardens. Mainly because they are very resistant, water does not damage them and they can be perfect for growing several species of plants. 

Take some spray paint, in whatever colors you like best, and paint your new scarves. If desired, leave them with their original color and plant them inside.

4. Mirror frame

An old car tire is not the best option for making a beautiful mirror. However, the thin wheels of bicycles can easily be used for this curious art.

Simply wash and let the tire dry. Afterwards, you can apply a layer of transparent varnish, so that it becomes black and shiny.

You can also spray paint with gold, bronze or any other color you like. Then find a mirror that fits inside your interior, adjust it and you’re done.

To securely hold the mirror to the tyre,  we can place several dots of industrial glue inside the tyre. 

5. Pet bed

You can use an old tire to make a bed for your dog

It is not necessary to spend large sums of money on a bed for our pet. Old tires provide the perfect way to make a cozy and beautiful bed.  To do this, just fill the inside of the tire with a foam pad or pillow. Decorate to your liking.

6. Garbage deposits

Putting together several old tires we can make a dump for garbage. Of course its shape can vary depending on creativity.

The basic idea is to join up to three tires, one on top of the other, so that it is a kind of deep container. Then, to make the task of removing the trash easier, put a bag inside.

7. Outdoor table

You can use an old tire to make a little table

The decoration with elements made from old tires is in fashion. Certainly many reuse this material to make furniture and tables for areas such as the garden or terrace.

Arrange one tire over another and then paint them however you like. Then place a lid (plastic, wood or any other material you like) on top to complete your table.

8. Outdoor sofas

To enjoy your family gatherings in the garden or outside the house, you can make some comfortable sofas out of recycled old tires.

Collect several pieces, depending on how many sofas you want to make. Generally, two tires are used for each. Paint them however you like and fill them with pillows or foams.

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