Ovarian Cancer: 8 Complementary Treatments

The supply of nutrients from these foods can be very useful both to complement medical treatment and to prevent the occurrence of ovarian cancer.
Ovarian Cancer: 8 Complementary Treatments

Ovarian cancer ranks seventh on the list of diseases that most affect women.

One of the most common forms of this cancer  occurs in women who have been ovulating for a  long time.

Therefore, it is most commonly seen in older women, those who have never become pregnant, or those who enter menopause later.

There are a wide variety of possibilities for treating this condition, such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy or surgery.

Namely, all of these treatments have side effects that you have to deal with.

So here we have a list of some natural remedies that can be used as complementary treatments for ovarian cancer.

Complementary treatments for ovarian cancer

1. Shiitake mushrooms

There is a wide variety of mushrooms around the world and many of them are used to treat different ailments of the body.

The shiitake, in particular, is the most famous type. Its active ingredient is beta-glucan, a chemical that is known to be  involved in inhibiting the growth of some types of tumors.

In Japan, this mushroom extract has been used for centuries as an alternative solution. It is consumed as a tea to fight ovarian cancer and other diseases.

2. Mint tea 

Mint tea

Dealing with the symptoms that cause ovarian cancer is tricky. After treatments, it is normal for the body to need extra help to fight harder.

Therefore, mint tea is excellent for relieving stomach pains; which is one of the first symptoms presented.

This is due to its  antioxidant properties  and organic compounds that strengthen the immune system  and promote faster and more successful recovery. 

It is always good to prepare a good amount of this tea on days when the treatment is more aggressive.

3. Soy derivatives

Consuming soy products can have a big impact on the effects of some cancers.

When it comes to fighting ovarian cancer,  the isoflavones present in these foods inhibit the transmission of cancer cells.

This means that the ability of cancer to spread and increase the size of tumor cells is reduced.

At the same time, soy products  protect the body from the side effects of chemotherapy  and other treatments used to fight cancer.

4. Red onion

purple Onion

It is considered one of the simplest vegetables. However, red onions are full of chemicals that help fight ovarian cancer, such as:

  • Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Anthocyanins

Overall, all onions are beneficial. However, red onions are much more potent and will provide a great deal of antioxidants.

This will make the progress of the cancer much slower and allow time for medical treatments to do a better job.

5. sunbathing

Here is a remedy, the simplest of all, to fight ovarian cancer. Taking a little sun will supply your body with vitamin D.

Namely, it  helps to fight tumors in large part,  as well as reducing the chances of suffering from ovarian cancer.

In fact, women who live in colder regions, or where sunlight is weaker, tend to be more likely to develop this particular type of cancer.

6. Ginger


Ginger not only helps to prevent and treat many serious illnesses thanks to its properties, it is also helpful when it comes to fighting ovarian cancer.

Thanks to its active compounds (gingerol, shogaol and zingerone) ginger is a potent anticancer and can inhibit the growth of harmful cells.

7. Fish

Fish known as “blue” are undoubtedly the best source of omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, they are very suitable for taking care of heart health.

They also help protect against cancer thanks to their anti-angiogenic properties. This means that  cancer cells starve because their blood supply is cut off. This impedes its development.

8. Green Tea

green tea to fight ovarian cancer

The antioxidants in green tea make it one of the best preventative drinks in fighting cancer.

In fact, catechins are known for their  ability to induce the automatic death of cancer cells,  preventing them from multiplying and spreading.

If you are at risk of developing ovarian cancer from genetic or environmental factors, include a good cup of green tea in your daily routine.

Also, combine these ovarian cancer drugs with your medical treatment.

It is good to keep in mind that none of these remedies will cure the disease alone. Therefore, it is important to use them as a  complement to treatments applied by the doctor.

What’s more, it’s important to talk to your nutritionist to make sure you’re maintaining a healthy diet.

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