3 Natural Remedies Against Lymph Edema

Before trying any natural remedy, it is ideal to consult your doctor to avoid interactions and adverse reactions.
3 natural remedies for lymphatic edema

Lymph edema or lymphedema is a chronic disease caused by the accumulation of lymph fluid in tissues, which results in swelling of a part of the body. This lymph fluid, also called lymph, is usually yellowish and clear and contains nutrients, white blood cells and antibodies.

Lymph plays a complementary role in blood circulation and infiltrates through the lymph nodes. In fact, a dysfunction in the lymphatic system can block or slow lymph circulation, which can lead to lymphedema.

The main causes of this condition are classified as primary and secondary. The primary causes are usually rare and are due to the abnormal development of the lymphatic system at birth.

As for secondary causes, the most common are caused by cancer, surgery, infection or an accident that has caused damage to the lymphatic system.

This condition usually causes swelling in an arm or leg, but it can also affect other parts of the body. Fortunately, keeping a positive attitude and getting the right treatment can help you lead a normal everyday life.

Also, you should know that there are also natural remedies that prevent the progression of lymphedema. We’ll talk more about them below.

What are the symptoms of lymph edema?

natural remedies against lymph edema

In the absence of treatment, lymphedema progresses chronically and can cause complications such as skin infections. This can significantly alter the affected person’s life and cause pain, disability and psychological consequences.

According to a study by the  International Society of Lymphologythis chronic disease can progress into 3 stages. However, there is also a subclinical stage, called stage zero, in which the lymph vessels are already affected and the transport capacity of the lymphatic system is reduced, although there are no visible symptoms yet.

According to the research, in the first stage, edema or swelling appears in a part of the body, such as the arms or legs, when lymph fluid starts to accumulate.

However, this symptom disappears completely or partially if the patient maintains the limb with elevated lymphedema. Also, if you press on the swelling, a mark may remain on the skin for a while.

In the second stage, it is possible to observe changes such as skin tightening. Rest is not enough to reduce edema. In many cases, lifting the affected limb rarely reduces swelling.

In the final stage, if lymphedema is not treated, fluid continues to accumulate, resulting in an increase in the volume of the affected part. The skin becomes very hard and the swelling is irreversible.

Lymphedema is usually not painful. However, when the affected part is heavier and bulkier, it is likely to generate spinal tension and joint pain.

The experts at the  ClĂ­nica Universidad de Navarra  comment on the following:

To find out about the treatment of lymphedema, you can consult the page of  the Spanish Association of Lymphedema.

3 natural remedies to fight lymph edema

According to the beliefs, some remedies of natural origin can contribute to the relief of lymphatic edema. It is advisable to consult your doctor before starting to consume them, as some ingredients (such as ginger, cinnamon and herbs) are contraindicated in some cases, as they can cause interactions and adverse reactions.

1. Ginger

natural remedies against lymph edema

Ginger is a root with a certain spicy taste, whose anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties have already been proven.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger (15 g).
  • Optional: lemon and honey (to taste).

Method of preparation

  • First, cut the fresh ginger into thin slices and heat the water over medium heat until it boils.
  • When it boils, pour the water over the ginger root and let it steep for a few minutes.
  • Finally, if desired, add a tablespoon of pure honey and a piece of lemon and serve in a large glass.

2. Yellow clover

natural remedies against lymph edema
The natural ingredients that we combine in this drink have properties that facilitate digestion. Hence, they help to fight abdominal bloating.

Within the scope of herbal medicine, yellow clover has diuretic, astringent and anti-varicose properties.


  • 3 cups of water (750 ml).
  • 2 teaspoons of dried yellow clover (10 g).

Method of preparation

  • Heat the water to a boil and add the yellow clover.
  • Let it sit for about 10 minutes.
  • Strain and drink.

3. Ruscus aculeatus or butcher’s broom

natural remedies against lymph edema

Ruscus aculeatus tea  is a herbal drink with diuretic properties that also contains a large amount of tannins, which are compounds with antioxidant activity.


  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).
  • 2 tablespoons of ruscus aculeatus root (30 g).

Method of preparation

  • Boil the water, add the ruscus aculeatus root and let it rest for about 10 minutes with a lid.
  • Strain and serve the tea warm.
  • Drink tea in moderation.

Diuretic drinks aren’t everything

Before finishing, you should take into account that lymphedema is a chronic disease that is important to diagnose and treat at an early stage to avoid many complications and negative repercussions for future health.

Also, keep in mind that dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as the introduction of natural remedies, will have a positive effect on lymphatic flow. This will help relieve inflammation and reduce lymph edema.

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