Discover The Best Satiating Infusions To Lose Weight

Some infusions help to prolong the feeling of fullness to avoid those “snacks” that keep us from losing weight. We will share some interesting options with you. Go ahead and try it!
Discover the best satiating infusions to lose weight


The importance of being satiated when losing weight

You have just eaten and in half an hour you are hungry again. Has this ever happened to you? Probably so, and so we should consider some simple aspects of this topic.

The feeling of hunger is regulated by the brain and several factors influence it, such as light cycles or anxiety. We are facing a process that is not just biological, as factors such as stress or anxiety determine our need to eat or, on the contrary, our lack of appetite.

Something that is interesting to know is that as soon as we start eating, the brain sends a series of hormones to the stomach and these hormones will indicate, after 20 minutes, that we are already full.

This means that it is important to chew slowly to promote salivation and the correct assimilation of nutrients in the digestion process. If we eat calmly and slowly, we put a smaller amount of food in the stomach and it satisfies in a short time.

We must also consider that foods rich in sugars, fats or refined flours have a low nutritional level. Besides, let’s get hungry again in no time.

Something as simple as  adding satisfying foods to our diet, such  as spinach, walnuts, pineapple, almonds or salmon, can make us go a few hours without feeling hungry again.

Satisfying Infusions for Weight Loss

Satisfying Infusions for Weight Loss

although natural, some of these drinks are contraindicated.

Burdock root infusion

You can find burdock root at any health food store.

  • Burdock root has inulin, phytosterol and phenolic acids.
  • It is a good antiseptic, fights inflammation, fluid retention, is satiating and takes care of our digestion.

How to make burdock root

  • It is best to take one or two infusions a day after main meals.
  • Just put a teaspoon (5 g) of this plant in infusion with a glass of water (200 ml).

Burdock root contraindications

  • Do not take this infusion if you are pregnant or have a heart condition that requires you to take any medication.

Satiating fucus infusion

  • Fucus is very suitable for losing weight, keeping us full, as well as promoting our overall health.
  • It is an algae rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and carotenoids that fight obesity. 

How to infuse fucus

  • You will find ready-to-prepare infusions at pharmacies or health food stores. You can have one or two cups a day, after meals.

Contraindications of fucus infusion

  • Fucus contains iodine, so it will be very suitable if you suffer from hypothyroidism. However, if your thyroid is very active it is best to avoid this natural drink.

Horsetail Infusion

Horsetail Infusion

How to infuse horsetail

  • In this case, just take one cup a day after the main meal. Infuse a teaspoon (5 g) of the plant with a glass of water (200 ml).

Horsetail contraindications

apple peel infusion

  • Bring a cup of water to a boil and add the clean skin of an apple. Add half a teaspoon (5 ml) of lemon juice and a cinnamon stick.
  • Allow to brew for 20 minutes, then finally strain the entire contents and drink.

in short

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