6 Very Strange Symptoms That Can Indicate Bowel Problems

Did you know that weak bones can also be due to bowel problems? By not absorbing minerals well, there is a negative effect globally.
6 very strange symptoms that can indicate bowel problems

Problems related to our bowels do not always have to do with classic constipation. Here we’ll talk about 6 very strange symptoms that can indicate bowel problems.

In some cases,  we are not aware of the various functions that these essential organs play in the human body.

Thanks to them, we absorb the nutrients from the food we eat, we obtain minerals, water, vitamins and, in addition, they act as an indispensable part of our immune system.

The microbial flora that coats its walls is essential for our health, to face different diseases and to have an inner balance that allows us to enjoy an adequate quality of life.

In turn, we must not forget that the intestine is divided into several parts, and the colon is one of them.

Therefore, maintaining good intestinal health is synonymous with general well-being and something we should think about every day.

It is necessary to be aware of this secondary symptomatology that we sometimes overlook and that can reveal problems in the intestines.

Learn more about the topic below. We are confident that this information will be of help to you.

1. Bowel problems can cause weak bones

One day we tripped over a rock when we went for a walk with friends on the mountain and broke our hips.

  • Something so serious can, without a doubt, be associated with two things: the inopportune stone or the classic osteoporosis, so common in women.
  • Now, what if next month we suffer a fractured wrist, tibia, or shoulder? Something is happening and it is necessary to find the cause.
  • In some cases, it may be this: our stomachs produce too much acid, so minerals such as calcium and magnesium are not absorbed as they should by our intestines.
  • Another essential aspect has to do with the vitamin K that is produced in our intestines.
  • If these organs are dirty, if they don’t work as they should, we will suffer a deficit of this type of vitamin which is also crucial for strong, healthy bones.

2. Bowel problems can trigger anxiety and tiredness

bowel problems

When the microbial flora is out of balance, we will notice changes in our mood.

It’s interesting to know that there’s a nerve that connects the gut to the brain, and that signals travel in both directions between them.

If we consume an excess of saturated fats, the microbial flora will be affected and this type of specific emotional symptom will start.

To avoid this, it is necessary to make some changes in our diet :

  • Consume more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Consume kefir; wonderful for taking care of bacterial flora.

3. Itchy skin and its relationship to bowel problems

This is, without a doubt, one of the most curious symptoms. When we suffer from it, it is common to associate it with simple allergies when, in reality, what happens is a clear problem in our intestines.

If we have, for example, a leaky intestine, food particles that are not properly digested enter the bloodstream.

There is an excess of toxicity in our body and, in these cases, the immune system reacts adversely to this type of condition: we feel itchiness, inflammation, swelling…

We should consult our doctor if we experience these symptoms.

4. Weak nails

weak nails

Having weak, brittle nails can be a clear sign that we are not properly absorbing nutrients through our food.

Since “we are what we eat”, we should also add to this sentence the continuation “we are what our intestines absorb”.

If they are unhealthy, if the microbial flora is scarce or in a bad state, we will not break down food well and we will not be able to absorb the vitamins and minerals that give strength to our nails and the general health of our body.

5. A swollen abdomen can be one of the bowel problems

On some occasions, we look at our abdomen and wonder how we managed to gain so much weight in such a short time.

  • However, this abdominal bloating is not fat, it is gas, and the clear result of bowels not functioning properly.
  • Despite this, the root of the problem is not always eating foods that cause gas. Sometimes there is a food allergy.

Keep in mind that dairy products are often the most common allergens in our diet, and that they can cause symptoms like this.

6. White stools


The occurrence of white stools is not something we should pass up. In case we experience this situation at some point, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The most common is that this occurs with those who suffer from irritable bowel, and that it is also accompanied by cases of diarrhea.

The alteration in our bacterial flora and intestinal inflammations also cause it, but they can be linked to more serious liver problems that would undoubtedly require specific treatment.

In conclusion, as we can see, these symptoms are very concrete and it is common to relate them to other problems.

To clarify possible doubts, there is nothing better than always consulting good professionals.

In any case, always remember that “you are what you eat”, so… why not take care of yourself a little better?

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