The Red Rice Detox Diet

Red rice is a variety of brown rice with many nutritional properties. Helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, and lose weight without major sacrifices.
The red rice detox diet

Red rice is the main component of a detox diet that has been making waves. It promises to eliminate toxins and reset the metabolism to promote true internal cleansing and restore balance to the body.

Detox diets arose from the need to clean the body, as we are daily exposed to unwanted toxins that are dangerous to health.

These are present in the environment, water and food, transported by pesticides, hormones and other chemicals.

Most detox diets are based only on juices made from fruits and vegetables, but the red rice diet offers a way to detoxify the body without going hungry and enjoying the many benefits of this food.

What are the benefits of red rice?

1. It is rich in fiber

Red rice is rich in fiber, which is very important to regulate bowel function and prevent constipation and inflammation.

In addition, they feed the probiotics present in the intestinal walls, which are capable of increasing immunity levels.

2. It has a low glycemic index

The glycemic index indicates the speed at which a particular food is absorbed into the blood. A food with a high glycemic index can trigger insulin spikes in the blood, as well as promote the accumulation of unwanted carbohydrates in the form of fat.

Therefore, the low content of red rice means that it is slowly absorbed by the body; preventing spikes and normalizing blood sugar level.

red rice herbs

3. Lowers cholesterol

This powerful food can both lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol levels. This reduction is critical for health, as it significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

4. Contains antioxidants

Antioxidants fight free radicals, combining with them and neutralizing their harmful action to the body. In this way, these molecules are able to prevent cell degeneration, the incidence of various diseases and even premature aging.

5. Offers satiety

The consumption of complex carbohydrates, including red rice, offers a longer lasting feeling of satiety when compared to simple carbohydrates.

Furthermore, because they are absorbed more slowly, they gradually provide the energy the body needs to develop its vital functions.

Furthermore, more satiety means less hunger, and less chance of overindulging in the next meal by consuming high-calorie or fatty foods.

the red rice diet

This detox diet is based solely on two foods: red rice and gum. Gumasium is also known as sesame salt, and it can be made at home quickly and easily.

How to make gummium?

Simply toast some sea salt in a skillet until the crystals are opaque. Then, using a pestle, start grinding the salt into a powder.

Do the same with the sesame seeds, roasting them in a skillet (without oil) and grinding them.

Sesame salt in red rice

Soon after, mix the two powders obtained in the process and that’s it: we already have the gumásio to be used in the diet.

What to eat on the red rice diet?

The diet allows you to eat 250 g of red rice a day, sprinkling gum over it as a side dish. It’s important to follow a few points to get the full benefits:

  • Follow the diet for a period of 3 to 10 days, usually no longer than that; as the body may begin to lack other nutrients such as healthy protein and fat.
  • Red rice (250 g per day) should be cooked normally and consumed in four different meals, just sprinkling gummium on top. No oil or spices should be added.
  • It is important to chew each mouthful 80 times, until the food becomes a liquid paste in the mouth.
  • Do not drink with meals. At other times, you can drink only boiled water.
  • Boiling water opens and polarizes the molecules, increasing their detox ability; as this is able to attract and carry more waste and toxins.
  • At the end of the diet, start little by little with your normal diet, so that the body can adapt to the food again, avoiding sudden changes.

This simple menu allows you to promote a true internal cleansing in the body; making a “reset” in the metabolism, reducing fatigue and providing more vitality, relaxation and energy.

If you are looking for more physical, mental and emotional well-being, bet on the red rice diet to feel better, balance the body and obtain several health benefits.

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